Exercise 3.1

Cards (46)

  • Division of Red Algae Rhodophyta
  • Class of Red Algae
  • Division of Dinoflagellates
  • Division of Diatoms
  • Division of True Brown Algae
  • Divisions of Green Algae
    Euglenophyta and Chlorophyta
  • Triphasic Life Cycle
    gametophyte (n) ; carpospophyte (2n) ; tetrasporophyte (2n)
  • Haplontic or Zygotic Life Cycle
    Vegetative phase (predominant) ; haploid ; zygote germination (meiosis)
  • Diplontic or Gametic Life Cycle

    single predominant vegetative diploid phase ; haploid gametes (meiosis)
  • Diplohaplontic Life Cycle
    alternate between haploid gametophyte and diploid sporophyte phase ; gametes (gametophyte : mitosis) ; spores (sporophyte : meiosis)
  • Subclass of Rhodopyceae
    Bangiophycidae and Florideophycidae
  • Porphyridium cruentum
    Subclass: Bangiophycidae
    Order: Porphyridiales
    Family: Porphyridiaceae

    Represents Unicellular Red Algae
  • Porphyra sp.
    Sublcass: Bangiophycidae
    Order: Bangiales
    Family: Bangiaceae
  • Composopogon caeruleus
    Subclass: Bangiophycidae
    Order: Compsopogonales
    Family: Comsopogonaceae

    Represents: Filamentous Red Algae
  • Galaxaura sp.
    Subclass: Florideophycidae
    Order: Nemaliales
    Family: Galaxauraceae
  • Gracilaria sp.
    Subclass; Flordeophycidae
    Order: Gracilariales
    Family: Gracilariaceae
  • Eucheuma sp.
    Subclass: Florideophycidae
    Order: Gigartinales
    Family: Solieriaceae
  • Polysiphonia sp.
    Subclass: Florideophycidae
    Order: Ceramiales
    Family: Rhodomelaceae
  • Dinoflagellates
    Unicellular ; biflagellated (vegetative cells) ; flagella (inserted anteriorly laterally)
  • Division of dinoflagellates
  • Class of dinoflagellates that has apically inserted flagella
  • Class of dinoflagellates that has laterally (median) inserted flagella

  • Where the flagella is inserted
    cingulum and sulcus (longitudinal oriented groove)
  • Sexual reproduction of dinoflagellates
    Isogamy or Anisogamy
  • Representative species of dinoflagellates
    Pyrodinium bahamense, Prorocentrum, Ceratium
  • Diatoms are classified under what division and class
    Division: Chrysophyta
    Class: Bacillariophyceae
  • Cell walls of diatoms
    frustules or shell
  • Two symmetry of valves faces of diatoms
    centric (radial) and pennate (bilateral) diatoms
  • Reproduction of diatoms
    sample longitudinal division
  • What give rise to the vegetative cells of diatoms
    rejuvinescent cells or auxospores
  • Sexual means of reproduction of diatoms that involves fusion of non-motile gametes either by isogamy, anisogamy or oogamy
    auxospore formation
  • Diatoms representative species

    Cyclotella, Synedra, Navicula
  • largest group of algae which grows in shallow waters and on
    rocky shores
    Brown Algae
  • pigments responsible for the shades of brown-yellow, green-brown to dark brow
    Dominant Pigment: xanthophyllsfucoxanthin.
    Others: carotenoids and phaeophycean tannins
  • What is the class and 3 subclasses of Phaeophytes (group)
    Class: Phaeophyceae
    • Isogeneratae (diplohaplontic life cycle ; isomrophic alternation of generation)
    • Heterogenerate (diplohaplontic life cycle ; heteromorphic alternation of generation)
    • Cyclosporae (diplontic life cycle ; no alternation of generation)
  • Representative species of Phaeophyta
    Fucus, Sargassum, Ectocarpus, Laminaria, Hydroclathrus, Padina jamaicensis (white scroll algae)
  • Chlorophylls contained by green algae
    chlorophyll a and b
  • Two distinct green algae groups that resemble higher plants
    Chlorophytes and Charophytes
  • Division Chlorophyta
    Prasinophytes: Pyramimonas and Tetraselmis
    Ulvophyceae: Ulva and Acetabularia
    Chlorophyceae: Chlamydomonas and Volvox
    Trebouxiophyceae: Chlorella
    scaly green flagellates; most live in marine water
  • Group Chlorophyceae
    clear green color, with chlorophyll being masked or altered little to none by other pigments