
Cards (16)

  • the 3 tunics of the eye are the fibrous, vascular, and sensory tunics
  • the fibrous tunic contains the sclera and cornea. also is the outermost tunic of the eye. composed of avascular conn tissue
  • the vascular tunic contains the choroid, ciliary body, ciliary process, iris, and pupil. also is the middle layer
  • the sensory contains tunic rods and cones. also is the innermost layer
  • aqueous humor is a watery solution that fills the anterior chamber
  • vitreous humor is a gelatinous substance that fills the posterior chamber
  • rods are sensitive for dim/low level light vision
  • cones are good for acuity in vision
  • the optic disc is the point where the optic nerve leaves the eye, the “blind spot”
  • the reflex arc goes, receptor -> sensory neuron -> integration center -> motor neuron -> effector
  • tactile corpuscles are located in the dermal papillae and are sensitive to light touch
  • lamellar corpuscles are found in the deep dermis and are sensitive to deep pressure
  • bulbous corpuscles are found deep in the dermis/joints and are sensitive to deep pressure and stretch
  • muscle spindles are found in the skeletal muscle fibers and detect stretch and tension
  • tendon organ are found in the tendon and are sensitive to tendon stretch
  • joint kinesthetic receptors are found in the joint capsule and ligaments. are sensitive to joint sense and pain