Mendel's principles of inheritance explain basic phenomena, but non-Mendelian inheritance like autosomal linkage and epistasis, and the role of the environment in determining phenotype, are also studied
Genetic diagrams are used to solve problems in dihybrid crosses, including codominance, incomplete dominance, multiple alleles, sex linkage, autosomal linkage, and epistasis
The likelihood of crossing over between gene loci on the same chromosome increases with distance, affecting the inheritance of alleles and formation of recombinant gametes
Thomas Hunt Morgan's fruit fly experiment discovered genetic linkage between body color and wing length, proposing that recombinant phenotypes were due to crossing over between homologous chromosomes
T.H. Morgan's experiment on Drosophila aimed to understand genetic inheritance:
Heterozygous individuals in a test cross showed deviations from the expected Mendelian offspring phenotypic ratio, indicating autosomal linkage
Genes for body color and wing size were found to be linked on the same chromosome
Recombinant types (resulting from crossing over) were dependent on the proximity of the linked genes: closer genes had fewer recombinants, while distant genes had a higher percentage of recombinant offspring
In epistasis, two or more genes determine a single phenotype, with one gene's expression masking another's
Epistatic alleles can be dominant or recessive, leading to modified 9:3:3:1 dihybrid F2 phenotypic ratios
Recessive epistasis masks phenotypic effects in the homozygous condition, while dominant epistasis masks effects in both homozygous and heterozygous conditions
In genetics, the observed ratio of 9 purple flower plants : 7 white flower plants is explained by a genetic diagram showing meiosis, gametes, and the self-cross of the F1 generation
The chi-square test in genetics is used to compare observed results to expected results, determining if deviations are due to chance or other factors, leading to conclusions about the significance of the results
In a chi-square test, one of the conclusions can be that the difference between observed and expected results is not significant, and any difference is due to chance alone (H0 is not rejected)
Alternatively, the conclusion could be that the difference between observed and expected results is significant, and any difference is due to other factors and not chance alone (H0 is rejected)
Continuous variation shows slight differences with phenotypic variations along a continuum, indicating polygenic inheritance and influenced by environmental factors