9. Methods of Coping

Cards (16)

  • Coping refers to the all the things we do to manage and reduce stress
  • Coping Strategies refer to the specific method used to manage or reduce stress caused by a stressor
  • There are 2 different types of coping strategies to deal with stress; Approach and Avoidant
  • Approach strategy confronts the stressor and effects directly
  • Avoidant strategy evades a stressor to address effects indirectly
  • Avoidant involves behavioral or emotional disengagement
  • Avoidant refers to no attempt to actively confront the stressor
  • Approach strategies are generally considered to be more adaptive and effective, and those who rely more on approach strategies experience fewer psychological symptoms
  • Approach strategies may, however, increase stress levels initially, and require a lot of energy and focus
  • Avoidance Strategies may be appropriate in specific situations, and allows the conservation of energy, and can be more effective in coping with stress in the short term
  • Avoidance Strats tend to be maladaptive and the long term use of this can cause other problems, as they tend to only be helpful in the short term
  • Coping Flexibility refers to the ability to modify our coping strategies to meet the demands of different stressful situations
  • Coping Flexibility refers to our ability to relinquish an ineffective coping strategy and to devise and implement an alternative, and more effective strategy
  • High and Low coping strategies
  • High; quick to recognize and adjust their coping strategies
    Low; tend to rely on the same limited coping strategies, non-flexible
  • Context-Specific Effectiveness + Coping Flexibility = One's ability to cope with stress