Ecosystem: A community or group of livingorganisms that live in and interact with each other in a specific environment.
There are many ecosystem in the world, such as:
Desert: Hot and dry environment, usually cold in the night
MangroveForest: Wetlands are characterized by such qualities like humidclimate, salineenvironment, waterloggedsoil or muddysoil.
Rice Paddy: Composed of surfacewater, plowedsoillayer and subsoil, and the plowedsoillayer
Sea Ice in Arctic: Very coldenvironment, mostly coveredin/ with largepacks of iceberg
Terms and Definition:
Adaptation: Special characteristicsof an organism that helps it survive in their habitat
Extinction: The dying out of a species
Native Species: Indigenous to a given region/ ecosystem if its presence in that region
Invasive Species: Introduced, non native organism that begins to spread or expand its range from the site of its original introduction and that has the potential to cause harm to the environment
Adaptation: The special characteristics of an organism that helps it survive in their habitat
Some of the adaptations are:
Arctic animals grow thick, white fur to stay warm and blend in with the snow
Lemmings burrow under snow during the winter to keepwarm
Caribous migrate during the winter in search of food
Some animals have foot padding to protect the bottom of their feet
Arctic animals use its body fat to keep warmth
Animals in the tundra have smallears to staywarm
Some animals live in burrows to avoid the sun (E.g. Kangaroo)
Animals intake water from othersources (E.g. Their food)
Scorpions have outer hard skin to reduce water loss
Camels storefat in their humps and water in their long neck
Camels have cushioned foot to keep their balance on rocky paths and walk across sand without sinking
Animals in the desert have bigears to get rid of excess heat
Organic Matter: Substance that has been made of livingthings. We are also organic matter
Decay: Process/ state of rotting or decomposition through the action of microorganisms.Microorganisms can break down organicmatter. Without decaying, the environment will not be balanced and our environment and humans will be affected.
Process of Decaying:
Microorganism can only break down organic matter
Microorganism break down dead bodies and animal waste
They return the nutrients to the soil
Plants use the nutrients to help them grow
4 Aspects Of Decay:
Warm Temp: Higher temperature increase the rate of decay, thus lower temperature decrease the rate of decay
Oxygen Availability: Increase in oxygen availability increase the rate of decay, thus decrease in oxygen availability decrease the rate of decay
Water Content: More water availability increase the rate of decay, thus less water availability decrease the rate of decay
Adding Preservatives: Not adding preservatives increase the rate of decay, thus adding preservatives decrease the rate of decay