intro into microscopy

Cards (18)

  • Fixation is a histological technique used to preserve the structure of cells and tissues by preventing decay and autolysis.
  • all cells are derived from a zygote, which is derived from 2 gametes, sperm and egg
  • the 2 parts of the cell are cytoplasm and nucleus
  • visualising cells is hard due to cells and tissues generally being colourless, thickness and autolysis
  • autolysis is cell death due to lack of oxygen, caused by lysosomes
  • chemical fixation can inhibit autolysis
  • chemical fixation can be done by cross linking or coagulating
  • light microscopy chemical fixation is only needed to stop autolysis as we cannot see membranes
  • electron microscopy chemical fixation is needed to preserve lipid membranes
  • light microscopy uses primary fixation, is embedded in paraffin wax and stained with H and E
  • electron microscopy processing uses both primary and secondary fixation, is embedded in resin and stained with heavy metal
  • the formula to determine the final magnification by a bionocular microscope is objective lens magnification x ocular lens magnification
  • using the condenser diaphragm lever will increase the contrast of poorly stained sections
  • cytology
    analysis of structure of cells with light microscopy
  • autolysis is slowed by cold, sped up at 30, and inhibited at 50
  • primary fixation uses formaldehyde
  • LM is 5-7um
  • EM is 70-90nm