Mock 2024

Cards (17)

  • A time of significance in Islam is called Eid Al Fitr. Eid Al Fitr is celebrated at the end of Ramadan to commemorate Muslims from fasting daily from dawn to dusk. Eid Al Fitr lasts for 3 days. It is celebrated by Muslims saying Special prayers. During this time Muslims visit Family and friends. During this time Muslims go to the graves of loved ones to pray for them.
  • Ecumenism is promoted in Taizé community.
    They aim to promote unity and understanding among Christian denominations (Catholic,Orthodox etc). They also prevent the spread of sectarianism by the, bringing people together. By them doing this they are encouraging mutual respect and Co-operation between communities. By them doing this they are setting a good example for other religions.In this community they are looking to create the right relationship with others.
  • A non religious person’s worldview may influence others through their ethical behaviour in terms of the environment. This may encourage people to be stewards 
    and to make ethical choices. Humanists advocate ideas like humanism and scientific inquiry(how scientists study the natural world). They may inspire others/be a role model to others through their values rather than religious doctrines. Lastly humanist engage in community service like charity. Through humanists positive outlook to life they may influence others.
  • One of the religious beliefs that influence Jews day-to-day lives is the adherence to the 10 Commandments, particularly the commandment "thou shall not lie," which encourages honesty and truthfulness in all actions
  • The Sabbath day, which falls on Saturday according to the Jewish calendar, influences the lives of Jews as a holy day where they rest, refrain from work, attend synagogue, and share a special meal with family and friends
  • Christianity - Lourdes
    Islam - Plain of Arafat
  • The Plain of Arafat is an important place of pilgrimage as it was the place where Muhammad gave his last sermon. Muslims Stand on the Plain facing Mount Arafat and they offer their prayer requests and supplications and they repent and atone( make amends) for their past sins and they ask Allah for Mercy. Muslims must complete this as a part of Hajj.Prayers are heard and fulfilled by Allah her.
  • The Jewish Creation story is found in the first two chapters of Genesis in the Torah. Yahweh created the earth in 6 days and he rested on the 7th day. On day o1 God separated the light from the darkness, On day 2 God created the sky, On day 3 God made land,trees,plants and seas, on day 4 God made the sun,moons and the stars. On day 5 God made creatures that could fly and sea creatures. On day 6 God made animals,man and woman and he said they should be fruitful. He rested on the 7th day as previously stated.
  • Tolerance is important to live a morally good life because it shows respect and understanding. You need to be able to tolerate the attitudes of others because it can lead to immoral behaviour if not.
  • A Global issue of Concern today is the refugee crisis.
    The teachings of Christianity emphasises on compassion and taking care of those who are less privileged. Jesus started life as a refugee because him and his family has to flee from the Holy Land because King Herod wanted to kill him. Jesus told his followers that when they welcome strangers they are welcoming him.For Christians the greatest Commandment is to Love thy Lord with all thy heart, and live thy neighbour as yourself.
  • A person's conscience develops as they grow to moral maturity because they have experienced things that have allowed them to use their conscience in deciding what is right and wrong
  • Deciding to tell the truth all the time is an example of growing in moral maturity, where the conscience guides to do the right thing in situations and think about consequences before acting
  • The 10 commandments aid in conscience development and moral maturity, e.g., "thou shall not lie" encourages telling the truth at all times
  • The idea that one's actions affect others helps a morally mature person decide what is right or wrong because they wouldn't want to do something immoral that would negatively impact another person
  • A morally mature person's responsibility is to consider the consequences, whether positive or negative, of an action when making a moral decision
  • When deciding what is right and wrong, a person should take time to consider their options and seek advice if necessary
  • Personal values, such as compassion or humility, play a crucial role in determining what is right and wrong