to see how infants behaved under stress created by the presence of a stranger and separation from their mother
what was the method of the strange situation?
in a research room with spaces marked off to record movement
7 episodes and 5 measures
data collected every 15 seconds by a group of observers through a 2 way mirror
researcher notes one of the following behaviours and the intensity on a scale of 1-7 : proximity seeking behaviours, exploration and secure base behaviours, stranger anxiety, separation anxiety, reunion behaviour
what happens in episode 1?
mother and infant present
duration : 3 mins
description: mother is non-participant whilst baby explores. If necessary, play is stimulated after 2 mins
what happens in episode 2?
stranger, mother and infant present
duration: 3 mins
description: stranger enters, min 1 - stranger silent, min 2- stranger talks with mother, min 3- stranger approaches baby. after 3 mins mother leaves
what happens in episode 3?
stranger and infant present
duration: 3 mins or less
description: first separation episode. Stranger's behaviour is geared to that of baby
what happens in stage 4?
mother and infant present
duration: 3 mins or more
what happens in stage 5?
infant present
duration: 3 mins or less
description: second separation episode
what happens in episode 6?
stranger and infant present
duration: 3 mins or less
description: continuation of second separation. Stranger enters and gears behaviour to that of baby
what happens in episode 7?
mother and infant present
duration: 3 mins
description: second reunion episode. Mother enters, greets baby, stranger leaves
what is type B attachment?
what is type A attachment?
insecure avoidant
what is type c attachment?
insecure resistant
what is the most common type of attachment according to the stranger situation?