Construction includes all on-site work from site preparation to installation of utilities and equipment
Buildingofficial issues, denies, suspends, and revokes permits
Permit is required before constructing, altering, repairing, converting, moving, adding, or demolishing a building
Exemptions for minor construction and repair works
Rule 4: Types of Construction
Type I: Wood construction
Type II: Wood construction with fire-resistant materials
Type III: Masonry and wood construction
Type IV: Steel,iron,concrete, or masonry construction
Type V: Four-hour resistive throughout
Firezones determine the types of construction allowed based on occupancy type and resistance to fire
Fire-resistiverating is the degree to which a material can withstand fire
Fireresistiverating is usually expressed in a time period rating
It indicates how long a material can withstand being burned
Firewalls are important as they prevent the spread of fire between or through buildings
Firewalls allowed on commercial, institutional, and industrial projects under certain conditions:
Proud sprinkler system
Installation of fire-retardant or fire-suppression devices
Maximum 70% of lot perimeter only
Right-of-way setbacks are complied with
Allowable floor areas:
Total Gross Floor Area (TGFA) includes services/parking
Allowable maximum TGFA determined by number of floors x footprints, dependent on lot type, zoning, and use of firewalls
Building height limit (BHL) depends on zoning and is measured from established grade line to the topmost portion of the building, excluding allowed projections above the roof like signage, masts, antenna, or telecom tower
Establishing the grade line:
Grade line = highest adjoining sidewalk or natural grade line
If sloping grade line:
If 3 meters or less difference, take highest grade
If more than 3 meters difference, take the average
Establishing the top of the building:
If roof is flat, top = rooftop
If roof is sloping, top = middle of roof height
BHL + Right-of-Way (RROW) width dictates the building height limit: