perichoresis: mutual interpenetration of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, allowing the individuality of each to be maintained while still acting as one; a communal reality with one being
“we are speaking not of three divine I’s, but thrice of the one divine I.” – Barth
Trinity is not 3 separate entities, it is one
St Patrick Trinity analogy: shamrock - one with 3 parts
Gregory of Nyssa Trinity analogies:
rainbow - one light, diff colours
spring, fount, stream - same substance; distinguishable but inseparable
chain - connected to one link = connected to all
Augustine Trinity model
Trinity is union of equals
FSS each have role to play:
Father = creation, Son = wisdom, Spirit = love (binds Father & Son)
Irenaeus Trinity model
Economy of salvation – 1 God brought salvation playing 3 roles:
Father – without bounds, invisible
Son – became human, destroyed death, brought life
Holy Spirit – acted to renew humanity
Ward Trinity model
Perichoresis – FSS are individual but still acting as one
3 cosmic minds acting together in mutual interdependence
Links to appropriation – Trinity is a unity + works as a unity
Sabellius anti-Trinitarian model
Modalism - God is a single person revealed in 3 modes
Consecutive, never simultaneous
Denies the distinctiveness of the three persons
Cappadocian Trinity model
One Godhead in 3 diff modes of being: Father, Son & Spirit
Father given priority
Son begotten of Father, HS proceeds from Father
Barth Trinity model
Trinity is starting point to talk about God + explanatory framework showing he’s primal source of all beings
Father is revealed in Son
Jesus = only way to knowledge of God – God’s self-revelation
God is one reality existing in 3 forms:
Father = transcendent creator, Son = liberating saviour, Spirit = immanent in all things, unites us to divine life
Distinct but unified
Rahner Trinity model
Immanent Trinity– God’s essence, how God actually is
Economic Trinity – how God appears to humanity
God communicates himself to humanity (2) as he really is (1)
Moltmann Trinity model
Builds on perichoresis, saying Trinity is “community of being”
Each person maintains identity within mutual relationship
God is mutually loving + interacting to sustain society
Trinity has social + theological function
Augustine Trinity model
Trinity union of equals
FSS each have role to play:
Father = creation, Son = wisdom, Spirit = love (binds F+S)
Irenaeus Trinity model
Economy of salvation – one God brought salvation by playing 3 roles:
F – without bounds, invisible
S – became human. Destroyed death, brought life
HS – acted to renew humanity
Cappadocian Trinity Model
One Godhead in 3 diff modes of being
Father given priority
S begotten of F, HS proceeds from F
Keith Ward Trinity model
Perichoresis – FSS individual but act as one
3 cosmic minds acting together in mutual interdependence
Links to appropriation – Trinity’s works are unity + they work as unity
Biblical evidence for Trinity:
“Jesus came from Nazareth in Galilee and was baptised […] the Spirit descending on him like a dove. And a voice came from heaven: ‘You are my Son, whom I love” (Mark)
Biblical evidence for Trinity:
“The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all” (Corinthians)
Biblical evidence for Trinity:
“The Father and I are one” (John)
give a criticism of this arg for Trinity:
“The Father and I are one” (John)
Arius: just means Jesus + Father one purpose, not one being
(*Jesus hopes disciples “may all be one” (John), suggesting purpose)
Hick's arg against Trinity
‘Son of God’ common title for special human chosen by God, e.g. Adam
strengthen Hick's arg against Trinity:
‘Son of God’ common title for special human chosen by God, e.g. Adam
Bart Ehrman: Jesus only claims he’s God in John (last Gospel), not others – attributed to him
strengthen Hick's arg against Trinity:
‘Son of God’ common title for special human chosen by God, e.g. Adam
Bart Ehrman: Jesus only claims he’s God in John (last Gospel), not others – attributed to him
Moltmann's criticism of Barth's view of the Trinity
modes implies modalism, denying true distinctness of FSS and saying just diff ways God perceived
give Barth's response to Moltmann's criticism:
modes implies modalism, denying true distinctness of FSS and saying just diff ways God perceived
not modalism - just to show God is "wholly other", not person