
Cards (37)

  • cell surface membrane is made out of phospholipids , arranged in a lipid bilayer in which protiens are embedded
  • cell surface membrane acts as a boundary between the cell cytoplasm and extracellular enviroment
  • cell surface membrane is partially permeable
  • cell surface membrane regulates the movement of molcules in and out of the cell , preventing charged ions and polar molecules from diffusing across the membrane
  • nuclear envelope is a double membrane surrounding the nucleus whereby the outer membrane is continous with RER , and smooth in the inner membrane allowing compartmentalization of eukaryotic DNA where DNA can carry out its functions without being affected by the process
  • structure of the nucleur envelope has numerous nucleur pores each being 40-100mm
  • function of the nucleur envelope controls the export of mRNA out of the nucleus into cytoplasm and import of ribosomal proteins into the nucleus
  • function of the nucleur envelope prevents DNA from being transported out of the cell
  • nucleolus is tiny , rounded , darkly stained structure
  • function of the nucleolus is the site where rRNA are synthesized via transcription of rRNA gene
  • function of the nucleolus is the site where ribosomal subunits are assembled by associating rRNA and ribosomal protiens
  • endoplasmic reticulum consists of extensive networks of folded membranes that are interconnected to the nucleur envelope
  • ER membrane enclosed to form the cisternae / lumen of the ER
  • RER cisternae is usually flattened
  • Structure of RER has ribosomes bound to the membrane of the endoplasmic reticulum giving the endoplasmic reticulum a rough appearance
  • Struture of RER has presense of various protiens embedded
  • Function
    RER has membrane bounded reibosomes that are the site of synthesis of proteins for transport to other parts of the cells via vesicles
  • Function of RER
    Channel protiens provide binding sites for ribosomes to dock and synthesise polypeptides directly into the cisternae
  • Function of RER has enzymes involved in glycosylation of proteins to form glycoproteins
  • Structure of SER
    cisternae is more tubular
  • Structure of SER
    SER has no ribosomes bound to the membrane of the endoplasmic reticulum
  • Function of SER
    production and transportation of membrane phospholipids , cellular lipids and steroid hormones such as testerone and oestrogen
  • Function of SER
    detoxification of drugs and liver cells via chemical modification
  • Function of SER
    storage of calcium ions in muscle cells for contraction
  • Function of SER
    helps the liver cells to carry out metabolism of carbohydrates
  • Structure of golgi apparatus
    flattened membrane bound sacs called cisternae
  • structure of golgi apparatus
    consists of cis face nearest to the nucleus
  • structure of golgi apparatus
    consists of trans face nearest to cell membrane
  • Function of golgi apparatus
    chemically modifies protien and lipids via glycosylation
  • function of golgi apparatus
    addition of molecular identification tags
  • function of golgi appratus
    sorting and packaging golgi products and targeting them for various parts because of their identification tag
  • function of golgi apparatus
    forms lysosomes which are vesicles carrying hydolytic enzymes
  • function of golgi apparatus
    replaces cell surface membrane
  • function of golgi apparatus
    synthesis of plant polysaccharides
  • structure of a Typical Bacteria cell
    peptidoglycan cell wall
    1. protect cell
    2. maintain cell shape
    3. made out of carbohydrate-protein complex
  • Structure of Typical Bacteria cell
    • Circular DNA
    involved in cell control
    involved in reproduction
  • Structure of Typical Bacteria cell
    70s ribosomes for protein synthesis