5.1.4 - Feasibility of a project

Cards (28)

  • When you are making a new system you must consider it's benefit to a business. This is because there is no point wasting resources if it doesn't benefit the business proportionally
  • 3 example benefits that a digital system is likely to provide?
    Better user experience
    Improved data management
    Better collaboration
  • 4 example drawbacks of a digital system?
    Technical problems
    High initial cost
    Maintenance expenses
    Data privacy concerns
  • Avery common drawback of introducing digital systems is that many stakeholders may resist the change as humans dislike change
  • Risks are problems that may or may not occur during a project that may or may not cause the project to fail
  • 4 common examples of risks of digital systems?
    Organisation runs out of funds
    Employees encounter setbacks
    Employees die or become ill
    The legislation regarding the system is changed
  • Constraints are problems that are known to exist, they may include?
    Fixed funds
    Fixed end date
    Staff are skilled in certain things
    MUst comply with legislation
  • Dependencies are where one task or activity relates to another
  • 2 common examples of dependencies are?

    Project depends on certain hardware or software
    Requires another finished project
  • Dependencies mainly belong to one of the following four categories?
  • Mandatory depedencies are where one activity requires another activity to be completed
  • Discretionary dependencies are where the order of activities has a preffered sequence such as a user interface before database and database before customer service
  • External dependencies are reliance on activities outside the project
  • Internal dependencies are reliance on activities within the project
  • Feasibility is the likelihood of a successful system weighed against the net benefit of a system
  • The  Four Dependency Relationships are:
  • FtS is finish to start - It refers to one project needing to be complete for another to begin. It is similar to the waterfall project approach.
  • An example of FtS is needing a physical server to have been set up to put a database onto the physical server
  • StS means Start To Start, meaning that two or more activities cannot begin until they all do so at the same time.
  • FtF means Finish To Finish, meaning that two or more activities cannot complete until all have finished.
  • StF means Start to Finish - It is the rarest of dependencies and is where the successor work item does not finish until the predecessor work item starts.
  • An example of StF is waiting for regulatory approval (predecessor) before launching a marketing campaign (successor).
  • 'The predecessor work item does not finish until the successor work item is finished.' What dependency relationship type is this?
    Finish to finish
  • A lag can be used between tasks to slow development, as it will skip a period of time
  • A lead is when a project is begun before it's predecessor is finished
  • FtF is most similar to what project management approach?
  • Start to start - meaning that the predessor must have begun for a successor to start
  • Start to start is often employed at the beginning of the project where many independent subsections can be began