cardiac myocytes are striated muscle cells, but shorter than skeletal muscle.
branches are connected by intercalated discs
intercalated discs contain desmosomes as a mechanical link and gap junctions as an electrical link
enables the heart to act as a mechanical and electrical syncytium
sarcomeres are the basic contractile unit of a myocyte - containing both thick and thin filaments
thin = two stranded helix of actin monomers.
two tropomyosin monomers form a dimer and wrap around the actin - regulate binding to myosin
thick = two myosin heavy chains forming a helix - at the neck end there are two binding sites for actin
there are two myosin light chains, one essential and one regulatory
coordination between troponin complex, tropomyosin and actin allow for actin/myosin regulation via Ca2+ changes
SAN generates electrical activity spontaneously, this spreads through the atrial tissue via gap junctions
slows through AVN
electrical activity spreads rapidly through ventricular tissue through gap junctions
in cardiac myocytes, there is a plateau phase in the action potential
this is brought about by influx of calcium through L type calcium channels
balances out K+ efflux
cardiac myocytes have deep invaginations called t-tubules, which make a continuum of the extracellular space
contain L-type Ca2+ channels
allow calcium to reach both deep and superficial regions of the myocytes
the increase in Ca2+ due to L-type channels isn't enough to directly cause contraction, the signal is amplified by calcium induced calcium release (CICR)
Ca2+ release channels of the sarcoplasmic reticulum are called RyRs, these have a mechanical link with L-type channels, so when the L-type channels open they cause the RyRs to open
RyRs open for longer than L-type channels, so contribute more to calcium channels
RyRs can be modulated by cytoplasmic Ca2+, PKA, and Ca2+ calmodulin dependent kinase II
as well as the link with L-type calcium channels
increasing calcium levels leads to crossbridge cycling
cross bridges made between actin and myosin
calcium binding to troponin C causes conformational changes so tropomyosin moves out of the way
exposes myosin binding site
ATP dependent
calcium levels can fall due to:
removal of calcium across the cell membrane - Na+/Ca2+ exchanger NXC1 and Ca2+ ATPase PMCA - minor.
sequestering of calcium into sarcoplasmic reticulum - SERCA2a, which is regulated by phospholamban, when phosphorylated allows SERCA to sequester Ca2+ - major.
sequestering of calcium into the mitochondria - highly selective Ca2+ channels - minor.
contraction AND relaxation both occur during the refractory period when Na+ channels are inactivated
increasing intracellular calcium = increase in inotropy
increasing opening of L-type Ca2+ channels:
adrenaline binds to beta 1 adrenoceptors on cardiac myocytes (GPCRs).
rise in intracellular cAMP.
increase in PKA activity - phosphorylates L-type calcium channels
increases their opening probabilities
increasing opening of RyRs:
get phosphorylated due to circulating catecholamines py PKA
increase probability of being open
inhibiting NXC1:
cardiac glycosides inhibit the sodium potassium pump
lead to increase in intracellular Na+
inhibits NXC1 leading to increase in intracellular Ca2+
increasing sarcomere length increases Ca2+ sensitivity of the myofilaments
filaments are closer together, increasing probability of crossbridge formation
stretch activated calcium channels open, increasing influx of Ca2+
increased rate of relaxation is called lusitropy
as heart rate increases, the force of contraction increases - Bowditch effect
increased heart rate causes increase in Ca2+ in sarcoplasmic reticulum as:
greater influx through L-type Ca2+ channels
at positive membrane potentials, NCX1 works in reverse.