Cards (6)

  • Poverty Line:
    The level below which families have insufficient money to maintain a minimum acceptable standard of living. As the standard of living rises, so does the poverty line.
  • Primary Poverty:
    People cannot obtain even the basic necessities of life (food, shelter and clothing) no matter how well they organise their budgets. This is absolute poverty.
  • Secondary Poverty:
    People can obtain the basic necessities of life (food, shelter and clothing) provided there are no extra calls on their budget.
  • Socialism:
    A political and economic ideology which advocates that the means of production should be owned and democratically controlled by the community as a whole.
  • Boer War:
    The second Boer War was fought between soldiers of the British Empire and the two independent Boer republics of the Orange Free State and the Transvaal Republic. The war resulted in the loss of about 75000 lives and ended in defeat for the two independent republics, which were absorbed into the British Empire.
  • Sweated Trade:
    A trade where people worked for exceptionally low wages in conditions that were prejudicial to physical and social wellbeing.