Subdecks (1)

Cards (23)

  • NEURON: is the basic unit of
    nervous system. It transmits impulses to and
    from the various parts of the
    nervous system.
  • Sensory Neuron: receive information and
    send impulses to the
    spinal cord or brain.
  • Motor Neurons: it conducts impulses from
    the brain or the spinal cord
    to the muscle or glands
    throughout the body.
  • Interneurons Neurons: These are scattered
    throughout the brain and
    spinal cord, relay impulses or
    information from the sensory
    neuron to the motor neurons.
  • Synapse: The space between the end of a
    nerve cell and another cell.
  • Nissl Bodies: also known as Nissl or tigroid substance is a large granular body found in neurons.
  • Axon: a neuron lacking a Nissl body. to carry efferent (outgoing) action potentials and conduct nerve impulses away from the cell body to a synapse.
  • Myelin Sheath: greatly extended and modified plasma membrane wrapped around the nerve axon in a spiral fashion.
  • Nerve Fiber: portion of a nerve cell (neuron) that carries nerve
    impulses away from the cell body.
  • Fiber Tract: a type of white matter tract that connects the cortex with other areas in the CNS.
  • Dendrites: appendages that are designed to receive communications from other cells.
  • Acetylcholine: carries signals
    from motor neurons to the
    body’s skeletal muscles.
  • Norepinephrine: plays an
    important role in how our body
    responses to stress.
  • Dopamine: is related to muscular
    Serotonin: operates in
    bodily functions such as mood
    regulations, consciousness and
  • Melatonin: regulates sleep and wake