AR 2, SEC 15: Promote the right to health to the people and instilling health consciousness among them.
AR 2, SEC 16: Right of the people to balance and healthful ecology in accord with the rhythm and harmony of nature.
AR 12, SEC 14: limit logging of trees in forest land and prohibit logging in endangeredforests and watershedareas.
PD 1151 sec 1 in Philippines environmental policy is hereby declared the continuing policy of the state
PD 1151, Sec 1 in Philippines environmental code: Title 1: Airqualitymanagement; title 2: water quality management; title 3: landuse management; title 4: natural resources management and conservation.
EO no. 192: the Department of environment, energy and natural resources is revised into DENR.
EO no. 192 sec 13 : Forest management bureau
EO no. 192, Sec 14: Land management bureau.
EO no. 192, Sec 15: Mines and Geosciences bureau
EO no. 192, Sec 16: Environmental Management Bureau
EO no. 192, Sec 17: Ecosystem Research and Development Bureau
PD 1152, T4. chp. 1: Fisheries and Aquatic management
PD no. 704: Revising all laws and decree affecting fishing and fisheries.
PD no. 1219 - providing for exploration, exploitation, utilisation and conservation of coralresources.
PD no. 1152, T4. chp. 4: Flood control and Naturalcalamities.
PD no. 18: Established the metropolitan Manila Flood control and drainagecontrol
PD no. 78: Established the PAG-ASA ( Philippines atmospheric, geophysical, and astronomical services administration)
PD no. 1152 T4, chp. 3: Forestry and Soil Conservation
PD no. 705: Revised na PD nom 384 known as Forestry Reform Code of the Philippines.
RA no. 3571: Anti-cutting of trees law. Prohibit cutting of planted trees or growing trees in any public grounds.
PD. 1152, T3: Landuse management
PD no. 957: Regulating the sale of subdivision and condominiums, providing penalties for violations thereof.
PD no. 1152, T4 chp. 7 : mineral resources
PD no. 463: providing the modernized system of administration and disposition of mineral lands and to promote and encourage the development of exploration thereof.
PD no. 211, Series 87: Prescribing the interim procedure of processing and approval of applications for the exploration, development, and utilisation of minerals.
PD no. 1152, T1: Air quality Management
RA 4136: Land TransportationTraffic Code.
PD no. 1181: providing for the prevention, control and abatement of air pollution from vehicles and for other purposes.
PD no. 1152 chp 3: Methods of SolidWaste Management
RA 9003: Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000.
PD no. 1152, T4:Natural ResourcesManagement and Conservation.
RA 1815: Philippine Nuclear Energy Act.
PD no. 1152 chp. 6: Conservation and Utilization of Surface and Ground Waters.