Programming fundamentals

Cards (44)

  • What is a variable?

    A named memory location that contains data that can be changed.
  • What is a constant?

    A named memory location that contains data that cannot be changed.
  • What are the 3 programming constructs?
    Sequence, Selection and Iteration
  • What is selection?
    Where a section of code is run only if a condition is met.
  • What do we use for selection?
    If/else statements
  • What is sequence?
    Where program is run in order from top to bottom
  • What is iteration?
    Repeating sections of code based on a condition or a set number.
  • What are the two types of iteration?
    Condition and count controlled
  • What is condition controlled iteration?

    Repeating code until a condition is met
  • What is count controlled iteration?
    Repeating code for a set number of times.
  • What is assignment?
    Giving a variable a value
  • What is an algorithm?
    A set of instructions
  • What is an integer?
    A whole number
  • What is a float?
    A decimal number
  • What can a float also be called?
    A real
  • What is a string?
    Alphanumerical characters in a line of code
  • What is a boolean?
    Where values are stored as true or false
  • What is casting?

    Converting a data type into another
  • Give an example of an assignment operator?
  • What are mathematical operators?
    Characters that represent a mathematical function
  • What does MOD do?
    Calculates the remainder after division
  • How is MOD useful?
    For finding if a number is a multiple of another.
  • What does DIV do?
    An integer division; truncates the remainders.
  • What does ^ do?
    To the power of
  • Equal to 

  • Not equal to
  • Less than
  • Less than or equal to
  • Greater than
  • Greater than or equal to

  • Multiplication
  • Division
  • What is abstraction?
    Removing the unnecessary parts of a problem to focus on key details.
  • Give an example of abstraction
    Saving a file
  • How can I design an algorithm for a problem?
  • What are the benefits of abstraction for the programmer?(3)
    • Easier to solve
    • Saves time
    • Reduces memory required
  • What is decomposition?
    Breaking a problem down into smaller more manageable pieces
  • Why is decomposition useful? (2)
    • Easier to solve
    • Saves time
  • Give an example of decomposition in daily life.
    Getting to school
  • What is algorithmic thinking?

    Identifiying individual steps needed to solve a problem.