Cell surface receptors allow cells to detect chemical signals in their environment.
Plants in the plant kingdom are commonly green due to chlorophyll, which is used to absorb energy from sunlight
Plant features:
Cell wall made of cellulose
Feed by photosynthesis
Generally have roots, stems, and leaves
Chloroplasts contain chlorophyll
Feed saprophytically by secreting enzymes onto food outside the body to break it down for nutrient absorption
Fungi in the fungus kingdom:
Made of microscopic threads called hyphae
When many hyphae come together, they form mycelium
No chlorophyll
Can be multicellular or unicellular
Example: mushrooms
Reproduce by forming spores
Animals in the animal kingdom:
Cells with DNAfound in a nucleus known as eukaryoticcells
Prokaryotes in the animal kingdom:
Cells without a nucleus, with DNA floating around the cytoplasm
Vesicles store solutions called cell sap
Mitochondria are where aerobicreactions take place
Characteristics of living organisms:
Classification: Puttingthingsingroups
Biology classification system:
Binomial name: two-part name (genus species)
Rules: first word capitalized, second word in lowercase, underlined if unable to reproduce
common ancestors: species that lived in the past that given offspring of several type of species.
Species: A group of organisms that can breed to produce fertile offspring.
Insects (e.g., dragonfly) have threepairs of jointedlegs, twopairsofwings, and breathe through tubes called tracheae
Arachnids (e.g., spiders) have a body divided into head, thorax, and abdomen, fourpairs of jointedlegs, and onepair of antennae
Myriapods (e.g., centipedes) consist of numerous similar segments, each with jointed legs and one pair of antennae
Crustaceans (e.g., lobster) have more than fourpairs of jointedlegs, twopairs of antennae, and a body divided into cephalothorax and abdomen
Plant kingdoms:
Ferns reproduce by spores produced on the underside of their fronds and do not produce flowers
Monocots have seeds with one cotyledon, roots growing directly from the stem, leaves with parallel veins, and three petals
Dicots have two seeds with cotyledons, a mainroot and side roots, a networkofveins, and four or fivepetals
Flowering plants reproduce using flowers and seeds, with seeds produced inside the ovary in the flower
Groups within the Animal kingdom:
Fish are vertebrates with scaly skin, have gills throughout their lives, and fins
Reptiles (e.g., snakes) are vertebrates with scaly skin and layeggs with soft shells
Amphibians (e.g., toads) are vertebrates with skin, noscales, and layeggswithoutshells
Birds have feathers, a beak, wings as their front limbs, and lay eggs with hard shells
Mammals have hair on their skin, young that develop in the mother's uterus, mammaryglands producing milk, different types of teeth, a pinna (ear flap), sweatglands, and a diaphragm
Vertebrates are animals with backbones
Protoctist kingdom:
Contains cells that are animal-like or plant-like, mostly unicellular but some multicellular
Animal-like cells in Protoctists:
Usually unicellular, lack a nucleus (prokaryotic), have cell walls not made of cellulose, no mitochondria, and often have plasmids
Plant-like cells in Protoctists:
Multicellular or unicellular, have a nucleus, may or may not feed by photosynthesis, and may feed on organic substances made by other organisms
Growth is a permanent increase in size and drymass
Ability to detect and respond to changes in the internal and external environment
Taking in of materials for energy, growth and development
Action by an organism causing a change in position or place
Characteristics of living organisms
Genus is a group of similar species
Putting things in groups
Removal of waste products of metabolism and excess of requirements
Species is a group of similar individuals
The chemical reactions in cells that breaks down nutrient molecules and release energy for metabolism
Binomial name is a two-part specific name
Processes that make more of the same kind of organism