
Cards (96)

  • Pull out: to leave or no longer be involved in something
  • Turn to sb/st: to ask a person or organization for help or support
  • I don't think I'll ever be able to buy my own house.
    I despair of ever being able to buy my own house.
  • The members of the government have failed to agree on the new budget.
    The members of the government have not reached an agreement on the new budget.
  • We liked the new teacher right away.
    We took (a liking) tothe new teacher right away.
  • The novel didn't come up to my expectations.
    The novel fell short of my expectations.
  • Zoe always makes spontaneous decisions concerning her travel plans.
    Zoe always acts on impulse when making/she makes her travel plans.
  • Jim kewn he would have to go on the business trip at a moment's notice.
    Jim was poised to go on the business trip at a moment's notice.
  • His latest theory is in complete opposition to mainstream thinking.
    His latest theory flies in the face of mainstream thinking.
  • His interpretation of the novel was far too complex for me to grasp, I'm afraid.
    His interpretation of the novel went over my head, I'm afraid.
  • Julie always listens to my complaints about work.
    Julie always lends an ear to my complaints about work.
  • I wish you would come straight to the point if you have sth to say.
    I wish you wouldn't beat around/about the bush if you have sth to say.
  • Thankfully she wasn't hurt at all in the accident.
    She emerged unhurt from the accident.
  • The waiters in the new restaurant were very inefficient.
    We received shoddy service from the waiters in the new restaurant.
  • My grandmother is extremely proud that she can remember all her grandchildren's birthdays.
    My grandmother prides herself on being able to remember all her grandchildren's birthdays.
  • I couldn't face telling her what I'd heard.
    I couldn't bring myself to tell her what I'd heard.
  • She lost all self-control when she found out what he'd done.
    She couldn't contain herself when she found out what he'd done.
  • The singer said he wanted nothing to do with the other memners of the band.
    The singer distanced himself from the other members of the band.
  • There was hardly any movement in the traffic in front of us. (INCHED)
    The traffic inched along in front of us.
  • Postage (Post) stamps.
  • He was too frightened to admit that he had broken the window.
    So frightened was he that he couldn't own up to having broken the window.
  • If her father hadn't retired, she wouldn't have
    taken over his work.(STEPPED)

    But for...But for her father's retirement, she wouldn't have stepped into his shoes.

    stepped into sb's shoes: fill someone's position.
  • When I grow up, I'm going to be really
    important.(CAT)When I grow up, I'm going to be a fat cat.
  • I don't want to be disturbed at all this morning! (ACCOUNT)

    On...disturbed this morning.
    On no account am I to be disturbed this morning!
  • He is so ambitious - he's determined that he'll
    be successfulin the company.

    He is determined ... in the company. (mark)He is determined to make his mark in the company.
  • It seemed the young man was

    feeling bitter abouthis family background. (SHOULDER)

    The young man appeared...The young man appeared to behaving a chip on his shoulder abouthis family background.
  • It's bad you didn't try to do
    your share of the job.(WEIGHT)

    You should...You should havepulled your weightin the job.
  • My brother, who is a professional estate agent, is
    more than willingto house-hunt for our parents. (ELEMENT)

    AA professional estate agent, my brotheris really in his elementhouse-hunting for our parents.
  • I can't understand why our team have performed so badly recently. (POOR)

    It doesn't make...
    It doesn't make sense to me why our team have put on such poor performances recently.
  • It is a good idea for a retired craftsman to do something occasionally to keep his skills. (HAND)

    It is advisory that...
    It is advisory that a retired craftsman should sometimes keep his hand in.
  • We were surprised to see that he got mad at our decision. (RED)

    Much to...
    Much to our surprise, he saw red at our decision.
  • Alternative medicine is a complete mystery to some people.

    Some people are...
    Some people are mystified by alternative medicine.
  • Although he was exhausted, he agreed to join in the activity.

    Exhausted as he was, he agreed to join in the activity.
  • I am not a solitary person, I'm sociable.

    Rather than being solitary, I'm sociable.
  • It seems to be a foregone conclusion that Davis will win the gold medal

    There is no doubt that Davis will win the gold medal.
  • Your attitude will have to change if you want to succeed (leaf)

    You have to turn over a new leaf if you want to succeed.
  • The success of our local theater has made our city famous. (MAP)

    The success...
    The success of our local theater has put our city on the map.
  • You may be dismissed if you fail to observe the company's dress code. (RESULT)

    Failure to...
    Failure to observe the company's dress code may result in your dismissal.
  • I really think my son is going to be a hugely successful businessman. (HOPES)

    I have high...
    I have high hopes of my son being a hugely successful businessman.
  • His exam results will determine what choice he has for further education. (DEPENDENT)

    His choice...
    His choice of further education is dependent on his exam results.