A popular medieval form that in many ways is the mirror image of fabliau, revolving around the highly idealized behavior of knights and their ladies as paragons of military prowess and virtue.
"Whilom ther was dwellynge in Lumbardye
A worthy knyght, that born was of Pavye
In which he lyved in greet prosperitee”
MPT - 1245-7
Damyan’s love for May is expressed in the formulas of courtly romance: he is “ravysshed” by love, “brenneth” in the fires of it, is tormented by Venus, and generally takes on the mantle of the lovesick knight.
Chivalric romance is the principal type of romance found in medieval Europe from the 12th century on.
True courtly love exists on a spiritual, idealized plane, and does not need to be physically consummated.