
Cards (5)

  • "My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings"

    Human believe they are superior but are fragile = Bold and confident tone. King of Kings = the Pharaoh is God-like = immense pride and arrogance
  • "Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair"

    This is ironic as his land has vanished along with his power and legacy.
  • "Round the decay of that colossal, wreck"

    Time is humans downfall = Monuments will fall as time moves on. It shows us how his power is forgotten due to time and is no longer remembered
  • 'lone and levels sands stretch far away'

    nature is overlooked = The desert is vast which is shown in 'lone and level' which creates an image of a vast, empty land and survives far longer than the statue (man-made) which emphasises its power. It ultimately reclaims its land which suggests humans are temporary.
  • Different structure = Petrarchan sonnet with ABAB rhyme scheme at the start which suggests humans can have terrifying power. However, at the end its irregular to show power is not forever