Disease - the result of an undesirable relationship within the host & the pathogen marked by interruption of normal functioning of a body part or parts.
Infection- invasion of the body by pathogenic microorganisms.
• Symbiosis- the relationship between the indigenous flora and the host
Commensalism- form of symbiosis in which 1 organism benefits from another w/o causing harm to it r
Mutualism- form of symbiosis in w/c both organisms benefit from the relationship
• Parasitism- form of relationship in w/c 1 organism benefits from another at same time causes harm to the other
• Pathogen- an organism that invades & causes damage or injury to the host
• Pathogenecity- the ability of the organism to cause a disease.
Contamination- the presence of organism outside the body, as well s on water, food & other biological substances.
Pollution- the presence of undesirable substances in water , air or soil.
KOCH’S POSTULATES - The same organism must be found in all cases of a given disease & must not be present in healthy individuals
Portal of Entry- Mucous membrane (inhaled),skin (wounds,abrasion) parenteral route(Injections)
Virulence of organism: Capsule enables organism to evade phagocytosis, Enzymes, Toxins
Number of microbes- likelihood of disease increases as umber of pathogens increases
Defensive powers of host- immunesystem
Mechanical- organisms directly damage tissues or surface
Chemical- bacteria produces chemicals & toxins
Immunologic -response of the immune system
Communicable Disease- a disease that spreads from one host to other, either directly or indirectly
Non communicable disease- not spread from one person to another
Contagious disease- easily spread from one person to another
Exogenous -source of microorganism from outside of body
Fulminating infection- infection that results in the death of the patient over a short period of time
Nosocomial infection- hospital acquired infection
Incidence - refers to number of people in population who developed a disease during a particular period of time
Prevalence- number of people in population who developed disease at specified time
Sporadic – occurs occasionally
Endemic- constantly present in a population (Malaria endemic in Palawan)
Epidemic- many people develop disease in a given locality at a short period of time
Pandemic – disease is worldwide occurrence ( influenza, AIDS)