War photographer

Cards (5)

  • 'Hands which did not tremble then'
    effects of conflict = at war he had to detach himself from his feelings and focus on his job. At home he has time to reflect on the conflict. He has time to develop this trauma = reflects him developing the photos.
  • 'running children in a nightmare heat'
    reality of conflict = tragic impact war has on innocent children. It's a reference to a famous photo of a girl in the Napalm attack. This photo had a huge impact on society leading to protests and campaigns against the war. This contrasts the effect it has on the reader now.
  • 'blood-stained into foreign dust'
    Think back to memories = The blood will dry and the dust will blow. The memories will forever stain him (hard to remove). Dust is also valueless as here are deaths that are seen as numbers.
  • 'they do not care' ' reader's eyeballs prick with tears between the bath and pre-lunch beers'

    angry = people will continue with their days as it does not affect them. 'Prick' = a pricked finger hurts but is quickly forgotten. 'tears' and 'beers' rhyme seems to trivialise the tears.
  • structure
    4 stanzas and 6 lines = tight and controlled = trying to impose order on the chaos of war but is futile as it can't be controlled. Juxtaposed = controlled structure but a theme of war and chaos. But this structure will continue showing how futile the poets efforts are.