Midterm 1

Cards (72)

  • Four distinct Jews Sects:
    - Sadducees
    - Pharisees
    - Zealots
    - Essenes
  • Gentiles are accepted into the Christian group (acts 10)
  • Fall of the Jeraselum in 70AD
  • Tertullian: early 2nd , was a early apologist against Gnosticism, also wrote in latin. asked "what has athens to do with Jerusalum." and said the "blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church."
  • Clement of Rome: died around 100, was a early bishop, similar to paul and peter
  • Eusebius of Caesarea: wrote early church history, (late 2nd early 3rd century)
  • Irenaeus: 100-200 AD, Bishop in france, wrote a book against herecy
  • By the 3rd century, move to stop the divercity in the church by establishing rules for a "Catholic" Church
  • Catholic: Unified church or the univercal church
  • Orthodoxy: the right way of doing church, the "Correct" way
  • Marcionites: rejection of the old testament
  • Gnostic: enphasis on secret knowledge in the bible
  • Montanism: God gives continued revolation to his people
  • Apologia: is a defence of something
  • Martyrs from the greek word to give witness
  • The goal of Apologest is to defend christianity against emporer worship, polythemism, idols, and against the culture
  • Heavy persecution happened to christianity in the 64 til 313 until Constantine with the edict of milan
  • Martyrdom is seen as the bride of christ, and has baptism imagery
  • Eusebuis of Caesarea wrote more church history in the early 3rd century, brough the idea of Eternal Rome as a christian
  • Constantine calls the Council of Nicaea, 325 AD
  • After Constantine, Emporer Julian allowed peganism for three years until Theodosius took the throne and repressed it again
  • In 380, Catholic Christianity is the only legal religion in the Roman Empire
  • During the thriving period of christianity in the Roman Empire, there are four fathers of the faith:
    • Ambose (late 4th century)
    • Augustine (early 5th century)
    • Jerome (late 5th century)
    • Gregory 1st of Rome (late 6th century)
  • Donatist: a group of christians that broke from the catholic faith in the early 1st century, believing that Jesus is only spirit
  • Arian Controvercy: The belief that Jesus was not fully God but was created by God. Aruis was the first preponante of it in alexandria. It was decided at the Council of Nicaea (325) that Jesus was of the same essence or Homoousios.
  • St. Athanasius agrued that God did not create Jesus, and that Jesus had to be fully God
  • The council of Constantinople in 381 reaffirmed Nicea and added the Holy spirit under the same catagorization
  • The council in Ephesus in 431 reaffirms the first two councils and condemns Nestorius for his separation of divine and human nature of Jesus
  • Chalcedon in 451 defined the two natures of Jesu and finalized the Nicean creed
  • The second council of Constantinople in 553, calls for the rejection of Nestorius again, and Origenism
  • The Third council of Constantinople (680) further defines the two natures of Jesus and the united person of Jesus
  • the Second Council of Nicea (787) condemns Iconoclasts and the use of Icons in church
  • The new form of Martyrdom is Monastic Life, St. Anthony in the 4th century pushing for a solity life of focus on Study of scriputes and work
  • Early Monastic Movements insist on Individuals being aline in the desert or being in communities studing, and monastic Vows (celebacy, poverty and Obedience)
  • Neoplatonism: a development of platonic tradition. the idea that all beings have a soul that is trying to return to one larger divine being
  • In Neoplatonism, the soul is trying to escape this world (evil) to the good in the deity. Christians took this belief and applyed it to christian thoughts
  • Salvation in christian neoplatonism is a process of the soul returning to the divine, worship and lituragy allows for union with the
  • Due to eastern Christanity being ruled by Muslim caliphate, the church is percicuted in taxes and sometimes forced to convert to Islam. The Orthodox church relocated north to Kiev, Russia (Now ukraine)
  • St. Augustine of Hippo: (354-430) back and forth between the good and evil of the world. Large proponent of Neoplatinism. He struggled with Donatism, paganism, his desires
  • Within Augustines later life, many changes happened in the Roman Empire: Rome was attacked by the Visigoth Kings in 410, and the last roman emperor was deposed by 476