Over 67% of the land in Milaysia is covered in rainforest
Causes of deforestation in Milaysia:
Road building
Mineral extraction
Commercial farming
In Milaysia deforestation has been occuring on a large scale due commercial purposes such as the demand for timber and the construction of roads and housing
Deforestation can provide jobs for local people for example, the logging industry in Malaysia employs over 20,000 people
Deforestation also causes loss of habitat for wildlife and endangered species
Rainforest destruction leads to soil erosion which can lead to flooding downstream
Soil erosion is caused because the soil is exposed to the weather due to the trees being cut down
Deforestation means more CO2 is in the atmosphere which can contribute to climate change
Between 2000-2013 Milaysia lost 1.5 million hectares of forest which was 14% of its total rainforest cover
With less trees to regulate moisture and temperature, the climate is becoming hotter and drier, which is impacting global warming
Deforestation in Milaysia has had positive impacts such as increased economic development
Better transport links due to deforestation can lead to increased tourism in Milaysia