GI medications

Cards (46)

  • Antacids neutralize acids
  • Antacids ADR: Constipation, Diarrhea, & Metabolic Alkalosis
  • Antacids treatment time: Do not take any medication before or after the medication. Wait 1-2hrs after taking the medication.
  • Calcium Carbonate: releases CO2 in the stomach causes it to be bloated. It is a high neutralize acid. The brand name is TUMS. ADR: Hypercalemia
  • Magnesium Hydroxide: Drug: Milk of MG. ADR: NOT for pt with renal dysfunction
  • Aluminum Hydroxide: low neutralize acid
  • Antiflatulents breaks up gas bubbles to relieve bloating.
    Drug: Simethicone
  • Anticholinergics blocks acetylcholine to decrease motility
    Drug family: "ine"
  • Scopolamine prevents motion sickness
    Take it 4hrs before needed/intended use
  • Histamine (H2) Antagonists blocks gastric release to decrease acids release
    Drug family name: "tidines" family
  • Cimetidine has ADRS
    Gynecomastia: makes secondary breast tissue or ED problem
    Drowsy, risk for falls, and Bone marrow suppression
  • Ranitidine was the drug of choice for Histamine Antagonist. It was stopped because it had carcinogen which caused pt cancer
  • Proton Pump Inhibitor blocks proton acid pump. It is an irreversible inhibition. It has little GI motility so it can suppress acid without any interference. Only use for a short term. Unless pt with Zollinger-Ellison
  • PPI is NOT for pt with acute heartburn.
    ADR: inhibit nutrient absorption of B12 and causes dementia
  • PPI Drug family: "Prazole"
    Take 30 mins before meals and NO crushing or chewing them
  • Mucosal Protectives - Sucrafate
    forms a sticky gel so it acts like a bandaid. It goes to ulcers and blocks the acid
    Bests works on an empty stomach!
  • Mucosal Protective - Misoprostol
    Increasing HCO3 and mucus production while inhibiting acid. It is used for ulcers and can be combined with NSAIDS
    WARNING!! DO NOT give to pregnant women!!!! it was cause them to have spontaneous miscarriages and rips the cervics
    HOWEVER! if they are full terms then it can be used to go into labor
  • GI stimulants: will increase motility and decrease acids
    ADR: Diarrhea, Drowsy, and Extrapyramid effects (EPS)
    Drug: Metoclopramide
    Can only be used for a short term!! Less than 12 weeks
  • Antibiotic Therapy for Peptic Ulcer Disease (PUD)
    Can take 14 days for this therapy. Drugs will target the ulcer and antibiotic will target the microorganism.
    You would Bismuth - a coat stomach and relieves from ulcers
    You would use combo drugs
    PPI/H2 Antagonists - deals with acids and lining of stomach heals
    2 antibiotics: Clarithromycin or Anoxycillin OR cycline
    Use Metrodazole (Flagyl) because the Cilin will alter the stomachs flora causing C. diff to occur
  • Anti-Emetics will stop pt from vomiting
    ADR: Drowsy
    • Promethazine - In PEDS = respiratory depression
    • Prochlorperazine inhibits vestibular stimulation
  • Serotonin (5HT3) Blocker will block it at the vagal neuron & CTZ. 5TH3 will prevent nausea from coming. It is best used for pt in chemotherapy
    Drug Family: "Etrons"
    • Odansetron
    • Dolasetron
  • Dronabinol (Marinol) has THC which is marijuana
  • Droperidol causes serious cardiac arrhythmia. you NEED to monitor ECG for the QT interval. Usually given to psychotic pt to calm them down
  • Emetics is meds for vomiting. Not recommended anymore because it pt throw up after ingesting poison or smth, it will kill them. We use Charcoal to absorb any overdose medication
  • Antidiarrheal - Local
    Use Bismuth - stool and tongue to be darkened
    Be careful with Kaopectate
    Any meds that have Salicylate can't be used by kids/teens cause it causes Reye's syndrome!
  • Antidiarrheal - Systemic
    ADR: Drowsy
    Drugs: Diphenoxylate/atropine
    Lopermide - no high dose or it'll cause arrhythmia or cardiac arrest
  • Intestine flora has Lactobacillus acidophillus and we need to supress the growth of the diarrhea causing bacteria. If we have a lot of diarrhea them you can lose 5TH3 which can cause depression
  • The Herb used for Antidiarrheal is Probiotic! Examples are any milk products
  • Irritable Bowl Syndrome (IBS) causes cramping which can either be constipated or have diarrhea. You can manage this by diets, avoiding non-soluble fiber and raw fruits/veggies
    Drugs: Psyllium, Antispasmodies, or Tricycline antidepressent
  • IBS - Constipation
    increase Gl Fluids
    Drugs: Linaclotide & Lubiprotone
    ADR: Dehydration and GI obstruct
  • IBS - Diarrhea
    Eluxadoline is used 2 times a day. It can cause Euphoria and "Drunkness"
    ADR are pancreaitis, drowsy, and drunk
    WARNING: do not give to pt with liver dysfunction or alcoholics
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) is a chronic condition that causes inflammation of the intestines. It will cause Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis.
    Drugs: Anti-diarrheal, Anti-inflammatory, & Glucocorticoid
  • Laxatives is used for bowel movement. ADR will be Diarrhea, Abdominal cramping, malabsorption and nutrient deficiency. Tell pt to exercise to prevent constipation. Watch out for pt with anorexia as they might abuse this medication
  • Stimulant laxatives will directly stimulate the intestinal wall to cause peristalsis. This will help with constipation. The side effects is having semi-fluid stool in 6-12hrs
    Drugs: Biscodyl, Senna, and Castor Oil
  • Stool Softner is a gently option. It Prevents constipation, NOT a cure. It works for 1-3 days.
    Drug: Docusate
  • Bulk forming laxative will swell with water to cause peristalsis. It will prevent constipation. it will take 1-3 days. It comes in a powder so mix it well and drink immediatly. After taking the medicine, take another glass of water.
  • Osmotic Laxative forces fluids into intestine to force peristalsis. It works for 2-6hrs. We usually use this to prepare for surgery
    Drug: Polyethelene glycol
  • Pancreatic Digestants will helps digestions to release enzymes to breakdown food. This med will help replaces pancreatic enzymes.
    Drugs: pancrelipase
    Make sure to drink lots of water!!
  • Colon Cancer Agents - Bevacizumab (Avastin)
    will inhibit angiogenesis so it'll slow down blood flow to the tumor
  • Colon Cancer Agent - Cetuximab
    Will block the growth of the tumor!