Health is the condition of someone’s mental and physical wellbeing. Diseases cause ill health
Communicable diseases are diseases that can be spread from person to person or animal to people. These are caused by bacteria, viruses, parasites and fungi
Communicable diseases are also called infectious or contagious diseases
Measles and malaria are communicable diseases
Non-communicable diseases are diseases that cannot be spread from person to person. They last for a long time and get worse slowly
Asthma, coronary heart disease and cancer are non-communicable diseases
People who have weak immune systems have more chance of developing a communicable disease because their body is less likely to fight the pathogen off
Hepatitis virus can cause long term infections in the liver, where the virus lives. This can increase chance of developing liver cancer.
HPV can lead to cervical cancer
Immune system reactions caused by pathogens can lead to skin rashes and worsen the symptoms of asthma
Good and balanced diets increase physical and mental well being
Stress an effect your overall health
Buying health food increases physical and mental well being.
condoms prevents sexually transmitted diseases
Lifestyle factors can have impacts locally, nationally and globally
Smoking causes cardiovascular disease, lung disease and lung cancer. Smoking damages the walls of arteries and the cells in the lining of the lungs
Obesity causes type 2 diabetes because it makes the body more resistant to insulin. This means that the concentration of glucose in the blood is not controlled
Too much alcohol damages the liver and nerve cells causing damage to the brain
Smoking when pregnant can cause health problems for unborn baby
Cancer can be caused by exposure to radiation. Things that cause cancer are called carcinogens
Ionising radiation is an example of a carcinogen
Risk factors are linked to disease but don’t directly cause it. For example a high fat diet doesn’t directly cause cardiovascular diseases. High blood cholesterol levels cause cardiovascular disease
Pathogens are microorganisms that enter the body and cause communicable diseases
Plants and animals are affected by animals
Bacteria are very small cells that reproduce rapidly inside the body and produce toxins that make you feel ill