social learning theory

Cards (9)

  • Social learning theory is an alternative take on the behaviourist approach, it is the idea that behaviour is learned by observing and imitating the behaviour of others.
  • a behaviour be learnt by Vicarious reinforcement - seeing others being rewarded for a behaviour may influence someone else in whether they chose to imitate the behaviour.
  • A behaviour can be learnt by Modelling - involves observing and imitating another person.
  • A behaviour can be learnt by Identification - where certain attractive qualities and characteristics are picked up on. If you identify with the model, you can imitate and learn from their behaviour.
  • Mediational Processes these are cognitive processes:
  • Attention - to be able to learn from someone else you have to attend to the model.
  • Retention - you need to be able to remember and visualise what you saw to be able to replicate it.
  • Reproduction - decide whether you have the capabilities to reproduce the behaviour. It requires you to believe in yourself because then you're more likely to actually do it
  • Motivation - we assess both the positives or negatives that may follow imitating the behaviour, either immediately or in the future, a beneficial outcome leads to imitating that behaviour again.