Drug treatments aim to treat the physiologicalsymptoms associated with the fight or flight response
Benzodiazepines (such as Diazepam/valium) quickly reduce arousal in the centralnervoussystem
Benzodiazepines enhance the activity of GABA, a neurotransmitter which inhibitsneurones in most brain areas by attaching to receptors in the postsynapticneurone making it less likely to fire, slowing neuralactivity
Benzodiazepines work directly on the brian
BetaBlockers such as atenolol act on adrenaline and noradrenaline to reduce arousal in the sympathetic division of the autonomicnervoussystem
betablockers such as atenolol are commonly prescribed to reduce bloodpressure and heartrate
when adrenaline and noradrenaline are produced in the fight or flight response they combine with betaadrenergicreceptors in the cardiovascularsystem increasing bloodpressure and heartrate; betablockers prevent this by blockingadrenergicreceptors so they cannot be stimulated by adrenaline and noradrenaline
betablockers do not have a direct impact on the brain so are useful for people who want to reducestress while also maintainingalertness such as surgeons
Benzodiazepines strength; research support from Baldwin (2013) who conducted a metaanalysis of randomisedcontroltrials using a doubleblindprocedure and found benzodiazepines are significantlymoreeffective than placebos
Beta blockers strength; researchsupport from Kelly (1980) who found betablockers were effective at reducing everydayanxieties associated with civildisturbances in the 1970s in NorthernIreland
Beta blockers strength; shortterm so are easily applicable to people who struggle with socialanxieties such as publicspeaking
Drug treatment strength; betablockers and benzodiazepines can be used together as Hayes and Schulz (1987) found they are most effective when combined
Drug treatment weakness; sideeffects such as drowsiness, weightgain, and respiratoryissues, however upon a costbenefitanalysis these drugs could still be seen as beneficial to those who struggle with severe anxiety
Drug treatment weakness; do not deal with emotional or psychological symptoms of stress and anxiety only physical ones limiting their usefulness
Drug treatment weakness; other treatments such as biofeedback may be more useful as they allow regulation of both emotional and physicalsymptoms without any sideeffect