which theorist found working class pupils(lads)rejected values of school ?
Paul Willis
What’s another word for male dominated?
Who came up with cultural capital theory ?
Ball said education is increasingly controlled by private companies and charities
Capitalists believe education becomes as source of?
Molnar who is a Marxist believes private companies target schools to leigitamise their products
Ball and youdell came up with 2 types of privatisation-endogenous and exogenous
endogenous is when schools become privatised and act like businesses. exogenous is when companies get involved in schools
Marxists and social democrats have problems with privatisation and marketisation of education as
certain groups are more advantaged than others
globalisation in education is when there is an increase in international comparisons to see how well students do around the world
Positive impact on narrowing the gender gaps between girls and boys include how they introduced seperate classes
Narrowing the gender gaps in education
Vocational courses
Courses for careers
Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics
Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM) subjects are in line with the Tripartite system
Leading schemes
Programmes that support girls in STEM
PISA stands for programme for international student assessment
PISA measures literacy, maths and science skills
who came up with the theory of cultural capital
who believed in role allocation?
davis and moore- education sorts and shifts everyone
who came up with the ideological state apparatus?
Althusser- the ruling class control peoples education ideas and beliefs through the system, media and religion
repressive state apparatus ?
ruling class control the working class through force and protect their power in society via police
Chinese and Indian Asian pupils
Have higher levels of attainment than other Ethnic groups
Gypsy Roma, travellers & Irish Heritage, Black and cantreans
The lowest achieving groups
Pakistani and Bangladeshi minority ethnic groups (male)
The lowest achieving groups
Minority ethnic groups are likely to be working class
Class may be the issue, not ethnicity
Minorities have cultural deprivation in education
Type of cultural deprivation to do with literacy
Those who speak English still have difficulties
Basil Bernsteins (1975) work on use & restricted and elaborated code found working class have restricted code of Speech and this conflicts with the middle class elaborated speech
Although Lavbov suggested language was key reason to why African Caribbean boys do so poorly in education he places blame on?
the school as he claims if teachers taught them using street language they would succeed and white middle class would fail instead
swaan report concluded a difference in language was not a major factor in underachievement