Mrs Birling

Cards (16)

  • I don't think we want any further details of this disgusting affair- (ACT 2)
  • Arthur you’re not supposed to say such things
  • A rather cold woman and her husbands social superior.
  • Now Sheila don’t tease him. When you're married you'll realise that men with important work to do sometimes have to spend nearly all their time and energy on their business.
  • (staggered) It isn't true. You know him, Gerald - and you're a man - you must know it isn't true.'
  • Girls of that class- (ACT 2)
  • That - I consider - is a trifle impertinent, Inspector (ACT 2)
  • You know of course that my husband was lord Mayor only two years ago and that he’s still a magistrate (ACT 2)
  • (staggered) Well, really! Aldermand Meggarty! I must say, we are learning something tonight (ACT 2)
  • It’s disgusting to me. (ACT 2)
  • Yes I think it was simply a piece of gross impertinence (ACT 2)
  • naturally that was one of the things that prejudiced me against her case (ACT 2)
  • I'll tell you what I told her. Go and look for the father of the child. It’s his responsibility (ACT 2)
  • I felt it all the time. He never talking like one. He never even looked like one (ACT 3)
  • I was the only one who didn’t give in to him (ACT 3)
  • (with a cry) Oh – Eric – how could you? (ACT 3)