family types

Cards (24)

  • Define the nuclear family
    A pair of adults and their children
  • Give an example of a Nuclear Family
    The Simpsons
  • Define Lone Parent Families
    one parent lives alone with their children due to death, divorce, dissertation etc
  • Define Co-parenting families
    Parents who bring up and socialise their children with the focus wholly on the upbringing of the child
  • Give an example of Co-parenting families
    Teen parents or Divorced families
  • Define Reconstituted families
    Two adults with children from previous relationships
  • Give an example of Reconstituted families
    The royal tenenbaums
  • Define a single person household
    A person living alone, separate from any part of a multi-person household
  • Define singlehood
    The state of not being married or in a romantic relationship
  • Define cohabitation
    A couple living in the same physical location e.g. testing before marriage or to save money
  • Define living apart together
    Couples in committed relationships with one another without cohabiting
  • Give an example of living apart together
    Helena Bonham Carter and Tim Burton
  • Define Vertically extended family
    Three generations of parents and grandparents living together
  • Give an example of a vertically extended family
    Charlie and the Chocolate factory
  • Define a horizontally extended family
    A family where the parents’ brothers and sisters live with them
  • Give an example of a horizontally extended family
    The Madrigals - encanto
  • Define a modified extended family
    Children marrying out of a parental household but engage in activities together regularly 
  • Define a beanpole family
    Multi-generational extended family with few siblings in each generation e.g. a family with a long, thin structure
  • Define a sandwich generation
    Middle aged parents who care for both their elderly parents and their own children
  • Give an example of a sandwich generation family
    Charlie and the Chocolate factory
  • Define same sex families
    A family with parents of the same sex
  • Give an example of a same sex family
    Carol and Susan (friends)
  • Define an empty nest family
    A family transition were children have grown up and moved out of the parental home e.g. moving out for university
  • Define Boomerang children
    A young adult who returns to live in their family home after living by themselves for a time e.g. due to financial difficulties