NM11 - all vocabs

Cards (26)

    1. Quandary – noun 
    A difficult/decision; a practical dilemma. 
  • 2. Loquacious – adjective 
    Tending to talk a great deal; overly talkative 
  • 3. Perpetuate – verb 
    Make something (usually an undesirable idea) continue 
  • 4. Meticulously – adverb 
    In a manner that is overly careful about small details 
  • 5. Indoctrinate – verb 
    To teach someone to accept a view blindly or uncritically 
  • 6. Emulate – verb 
    To match or surpass someone’s actions through intimidation 
  • 7. Epiphany – noun (abstract) 
    A sudden or striking realization 
  • 8. Complicit – adjective 
    Indirectly involved with (often questionable) activities 
  • 9. Perfunctory – adjective 
    In a routine way; without much thought or care 
  • 10. Redundant – adjective 
    No longer needed or useful; excessive or too much. 
  • 11. Annotate – verb 
    To make notes that explain or comment on ideas 
  • 12. Alibi – noun 
    An excuse or claim of someone’s whereabouts at a particular time 
  • 13. Incessantly – adverb 
    Continuing without pause or interruption 
  • 14. Context – noun 
    The specific circumstances that lead to an event, statement, or idea 
  • 15. Culpable – Adjective 
    Deserving blame 
  • 16. Reticent – adjective 
    Not revealing one’s thoughts or feelings readily; silent 
  • 17. Ambiguous – adjective 
    Open to more than one interpretation; having a double meaning 
  • 18. Implicit – adjective 
    Implied through not plainly expressed; hinted at 
  • 19. Anecdotal – adjective 
    Not true or reliable; based solely on personal accounts. 
  • 20. Testimony – noun 
    A formal written or spoken statement, especially one given in court 
  • 21. Integrate – verb 
    To combine one thing with another so that they become one whole 
  • 22. Explicate – verb 
    Analyze and develop an idea in a thorough manner 
  • 23. Alienate – verb 
    Cause someone to feel isolated or estranged 
  • 24. Ambivalent – adjective 
    Having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas about something 
  • 25. Corroborate – verb 
    To support with evidence or authority 
  • 26. Coerce – verb 
    Persuade someone to do something using force or threats