reproduction (year 7)

Cards (43)

  • Fertilization is the fusion of the male and female gametes resulting in the formation of a fertilized egg, known as a zygote.
  • plants can reproduce in different ways. sexual reproduction asexual reproduction.
  • Sexual reproduction miroles pollen from one flower fertilising the egg of another to produce a seed.
  • asexual reproduction involves only one parent and the offspring are exact copies. No seeds! asexual reproduction in plants.
  • Plants can produce roots from cuttings that are placed in water
  • New potato plants grow from stems.
  • Plants send out messages that grow into new plants.
  • Bulbs split asexually.
  • germination pollen on stigma
  • pollination can occur between two different plants, cross pollinators or between the male and the female parts of the same plant (self pollination)
  • There are many ways pollen can be transferred to a stigma.
    • wind
    • insects
    • animals
  • gametes are specialised cells that contain half the number of chromosomes of a normal cell
  • gametes are specialised cells which serve the function of reproduction (only in plants)
  • Male gametes are pollen and female gametes are called ovule
  • Pollen and the ovule (fuse) join to make a zygote (fertilised ovule)
  • The single celled zygote develops into the embryo inside a seed and the seed will develop into a new plant (organism)
  • ovary- where the eggs are stored and released once a month (period)
  • vagina- The penis is is put here for sexual intercourse
  • womb- The baby grows here
  • Cervix- The neck of the womb which connects to the vagina
  • Oviduct- Tube connecting the ovary to the uteres. The egg is usually fertilised here.
  • testes- produce sperm
  • penis- placed in female's vagina during sexual intercourse
  • scrotum- sac that holds the testes
  • sperm duct- carries sperm out of the body
  • in a normal human body there are 46 chromosones. There are two pairs. One from the egg cell and the other, from the sperm cell.
  • adolescence is defined as the period between the onset of puberty and adulthood.
  • puberty is defined as the phase where a child's physical and sexual characteristics start to mature.
  • puberty- the transitional phase between childhood and adulthood is termed as adolescdence
  • ejaculation- when sperm cells leave the penis
  • enzymes- substances that break down other substances
  • ovulation- releasing of the egg from the ovary
  • fertilisation- sperm and egg join together.
  • zygote a fertilised egg cell.
  • embryo- a ball of dividing cells that develop into an organism (foetus).
  • cell division- forming a ball of cells
  • implantation- egg sinks into the womb wall
  • foetus- when the limbs are visible about 8 weeks after fertilisation.
  • placenta- supplies nutrients and oxygen from the mother to the baby.
  • umbilical cord- links the placenta to the fetus and is where the blood supply comes from.