social learning theory

Cards (10)

  • Bandura
    agreed that much of behaviour is learnt but argues that observational learning is important
    in order for SL to take place we must imitate the behaviour of 'models' = live (parents) or symbolic (media characters)
    behaviour is learnt faster through imitation than through conditioning
  • behaviour is more likely to be imitated if :
    -they identify with model (sex,age…)
    -believe they have the ability to imitate the behaviour (self efficacy)
    -there are positive consequences for behaviour (rewarded)
    =vicarious reinforcement , think that if we copy the behaviour we can receive the same reward
  • mediational process 

    Bandura created a bridge between the learning theory and cognitive theory
    4 components which enable learning process :
    1. attention = individuals must pay attention to significant features of modelled behaviour
    2. retention = in order to reproduce the behaviour , individuals must code info into LTM
    3. motor reproduction = observer must be able to reproduce models behaviour
    4. motivation = observer expects to receive positive reinforcements for modelled behaviour
  • Bandura Bobo doll study - procedure
    used 72 children , half boys half girls - average 4 years old
    3 conditions matched on initial aggression :
    1. aggressive model = watched adult hitting doll with hammer, punching it, saying pow and boom
    2. non-aggressive model = shown a non-aggressive model who played quietly in corner of room
    3. no model = control group
  • bobo dull study - findings
    aggressive group - when children were left in room with doll and observed through one-way mirror for 20 mins , frequently imitated same acts of aggression
    the other 2 groups showed very little aggression
  • evaluation
    lab experiment - lacks eco validity
    results may not generalise to real life aggressive behaviour shown by children
    and children might have just been responding to demand characteristics
    =therefore study may not be valid support for SLT
  • evaluation
    problems of causality, may be that children with deviant attitudes seek out deviant role models rather than copy them - so its not the role model causing the behaviour
    =cause and effect cannot be inferred when explaining real life behaviour
  • evaluation
    theory argues all behaviour is learnt through imitation - SLT is reductionist , it reduces behaviour to environmental factures (nurture) and doesn't take biological factures (nature) into account
  • evaluation - strengths
    SLT is a more comprehensive explanation of behaviour due to providing a bridge to cognitive theory with the mediational processes of attention and retention = therefore SLT is less reductionist than operant and classical conditioning
  • evaluation - strength
    real life applications - good at explaining criminal behaviour = therefore SLT could be used as a basis of campaigns for reducing violence (age classifications)