French Revolution

Cards (70)

  • "The first gunshot of the American war will drive the State of France to bankruptcy."Who said this? When?
  • When did Necker publish 'Compte Rendu'
  • When was the Diamond Necklace Affair?
  • When was the 'Day of Tiles'? Where was it?
    7th of June, 1788, Grenoble province
  • "The ideas of Montesquieu, Voltaire, Rousseau and others were widely disseminated." Who said this?
    Historian Rude
  • Who published 'The Social Contract', When?
    Jean- Jaques Rousseau, 1762
  • "Man is born free, and everywhere he is chains.", Who said this?
    Rousseau, 'The social contract'
  • Who was Marquis de Lafayette?

    French liberal noble who was a general in American War of Independence. He became George Washington's mentee and brought back ideas of fighting for liberty against the despotic tyranny
  • What was an American document that was translated into French, becoming much-loved? What does this signify?
    1776 Declaration of Independence, Showed change of national ideology that supported liberty over tyranny
  • How many French soldiers fought in American War?
  • What was the Lit De Justice? When?
    Very formal session, Louis was required to be dressed in his ceremonial robes. It was a hot August and Louis fell asleep during formal session which caused public outrage and tensions. Parlements declared actions invalid and rejected reforms, 6th August 1787
  • "Liberty prevailed; they returned triumphant to France and brought with them the seeds of Independence .", Who said this?
    Madame Campan
  • What was the 'Tithe'?
    10% of earnings were paid to church
  • What was the 'Corvee' tax? Why was it stupid?
    14 days of unpaid labour, taxed time over money thus people were less productive or willing to work efficiently
  • Who were the Fermiers-généraux?
    Tax farmers who collected taxes in village to pass onto gov but often kept most money for themselves
  • What was the Harvest Crisis? When?
    Food shortage due to frozen fields, 4 pound loaf of bread = half weekly wage earnings in Feb 89, this was double that of what it was in 1787
  • What happened on the Day of Tiles?
    Two protesters died, first time people used violence to challenge gov
  • How much did France spend on American War?
    $1.2 billion livre
  • Who was Calonne?What did he do?
    Finance Minister between 1783-87 who proposed tax reforms including taxing the nobility. Assembly of Notables was reluctant because of ignorance to state financial debt, they gained a lot from being exempt from taxes and so didn't understand need for it
  • What was significant about Parlament of Paris?
    Role was to register royal edicts so that they became law. They had the right to 'remonstration' and so could delay legislation but not to reject. They had power to create mass protests/rallies against legislation or go on strike themselves. All members were of the second estate
  • What led to the Day of Tiles?
    King's 'Letters of de Cachets’ that exiled Parlement of Grenoble
  • Who was Turgot? What did he do?
    Finance minister between 1774- 1776. He wanted to reign in gov spending, corruption to avoid increase of taxes and foreign loans
  • What did 'The day of tiles' signify?
    The first time people had used violence to challenge the regime
  • Was the Lit De justice meant to be formal session?
    Yes. Louis was dressed in all his robes and finery
  • How was Turgot's reforms received?
    Nobility discouraged his 'radical' reforms , making him unpopular and forced to resign
  • Who was Necker?
    Finance Ministers between 1777-1781. He was boran as a swiss, commoner and a protestant which made him an outsider in French court. But he was very successful in banking and had social connections
  • How many copies of 'Compte de Rendu' did they sell?
    20,000 within a few weeks
  • How was Necker received?
    He was unpopular with French court especially Marie Antoinette for his origins. But was popular with the French public because he was an outsider in nobility.
  • What did Necker do?
    He kept spending to keep economy afloat through foreign loans despite it being on brink of bankruptcy
  • Why did French hate British?
    They were rival European colonialists competing in trade and territory exemplified in 7 years war. Led French to be kicked out of North America
  • Why did France support America's independence?
    They shared similarities such as unfair taxation system, both live under a monarchy, unequal rights. They also wanted a key economic partnership across Atlantic (didn't happen)
  • What is 'the social contract'?
    Government and people must be viewed as equals, and gov must represent the wants and needs of its citizens
  • When was American War of Independence?
    19 April 1775 - 3 September 1783
  • When was the Royal session?
    19 November 1787- May 1788
  • What was the population of France in 1789?
    28 million
  • How many people in each estate?
    Commoners (99%), Nobility (0.4%) Clergy (0.6%)
  • France's defecit by 1789
    54 million livres
  • "What is the third estate? Everything. What had it been before in the political order? What does it demand? To become something" Who said this?
    Pamphlet by Abbe Sieyes, 1789
  • What was the Assembly of Notables? When was it called?
    Advisory body that offered advice to the king, therefore not legally binding, 22 February 1787
  • What did Assembly of Notables think of Calonne's reforms?
    They agree to some of his proposals but refuse to endorse reform that taxes the nobility, wanting to see France's financial report. They also disliked Calonne as a person.