Numinous experiences: Otto

Cards (13)

  • Numinous experiences.
    Experiences of the 'wholly other', unrelated to spatio-temporal experiences.
  • It is an experience that is the basis of all genuine religion.
  • It is a sense of the wholly other.
  • The emphasis is on God's transcendence.
  • It is a non-rational and unique form of experience, totally outside our everyday experience.
  • Experience of the numinous:
  • Experience of the numinous:
    • Refers to a presence and reality that cannot be understood with the senses or intellect.
    • It is a sense of the Holy.
  • Holy.
    Means 'other than', 'separate from'.
  • The idea of the Holy:
    • An attempt to describe the sense some people have of a reality totally outside and beyond their experience of themselves and the world.
  • Mysterium tremendum et fascinans: means a 'fearful and attractive mystery'.
  • Mysterium.
    Refers to something far removed from humanity that can be experienced but not understood. It elicits the response of awe and wonder.
  • Tremendum.
    Refers to the fearsome experience of God's overwhelming majesty and energy. Creates a sense of human nothingness and sinfulness, and consequently absolute dependence on God.
  • Fascinans.
    The compulsive and attractive nature of the experience creates the desire for a relationship with this Being, despite its fearful nature. It creates an awareness of the need for salvation.