Kilovoltage peak (kVp) is the primary technical factor for controlling radiographiccontrast
High kVp:
High frequency
High energy
Hard x-rays
Short Wavelength
Produces more scatter radiation, resulting in low contrast resolution
Compton effect is more prominent
X-ray beam is highly penetrating
Radiographic Grid:
Designed to absorb scatter radiation before it reaches the recording medium
Placed between the patient and the image receptor
Beam Restriction:
A larger field size increases the amount of tissue irradiated, causing more scatter radiation
Collimation affects radiographic contrast, especially in large anatomic areas and with high kVp
Aperture Diaphragm is the simplest beam-restricting device, with a lead or lead-lined aperture that cannot be adjusted from the designed size
Cones and cylinders limit unsharpness surrounding the radiographic image more than aperture diaphragms
Object to Image Receptor Distance (Air Gap Technique):
Creating distance between the object and IR decreases beam intensity
Air gap technique reduces scatter radiation reaching the IR, increasing radiographic contrast
Part Thickness:
Affects the amount of x-ray beam attenuation
Thick parts absorb more radiation, thin parts transmit more radiation
Reduces low-energy photons in the x-ray beam
Inherent filtration includes the tube envelope, oil, and window in the tube housing
Factors affecting radiographic contrast:
1. kVp
2. Grid
3. Beam Restriction
4. Subject Contrast
5. Compression
6. Air Gap Technique
Kilovoltage peak (kVp) is the primary technical factor for controlling radiographic contrast, affecting both x-ray quality and quantity
High kVp produces more scatter radiation, resulting in low contrast resolution, while low kVp produces less scatter radiation, resulting in high contrast resolution
Radiographic grid:
Designed to absorb scatter radiation before it reaches the recording medium
Placed between the patient and the image receptor
Reduces the number of scatter rays striking the film
Beam Restriction:
Any change in the size of the x-ray field alters the amount of tissue irradiated
Larger field size increases tissue irradiated, causing more scatter radiation and less radiographic contrast
Aperture Diaphragm is the simplest beam-restricting device, with a lead or lead-lined aperture that cannot be adjusted from the designed size
Cones and cylinders limit unsharpness surrounding the radiographic image more than aperture diaphragms, with cylinders better at reducing image unsharpness than cones
Object to Image Receptor Distance (Air Gap Technique):
Creating distance between the object and IR decreases beam intensity
Air gap technique reduces scatter radiation reaching the IR, increasing radiographic contrast
Part Thickness:
The thickness of the anatomic part being imaged affects the amount of x-ray beam attenuation
Thick parts absorb more radiation, thin parts transmit more radiation
Filtration is added to the x-ray beam to attenuate or absorb low-energy photons
Main function of filtration is to absorb low-energy photons that only contribute to patient dose
ray Tube Filtration:
Increasing tube filtration increases the ratio of higher-penetrating x-rays to lower-penetrating x-rays
Added filtration increases the average energy of the x-ray beam with a reduction in x-ray quantity
Inherent filtration refers to the filtration permanently in the path of the x-ray beam, including the envelope of the tube, the oil surrounding the tube, and the window in the tube housing