technical drafting tools

Cards (21)

  • 45° triangle: draw 45 and 90 degree angles
  • House Plan Template: draw symbols on a floor plan
  • Irregular curve: draw non-circular curves
  • Metric Scale: identified based on ratio (1:20), used for drawing requiring metric measurements
  • Protractor: used to measure and lay out angles
  • Sandpaper Pad: used to sharpen compass lead
  • Parallel Bar: used to draw horizontal lines and support triangles, or to draw vertical lines
  • Ames Lettering Guide: used to create guidelines for lettering
  • Architect's Scale: identified based on fraction at end, used with typical drawings and floor plans
  • Circle Template: used to draw circles and arcs
  • Compass: used to draw circles and arcs
  • Dividers: used to divide lines into equal spaces
  • Drafting Table: provides a smooth, firm surface for drawing
  • Drafting Tape: used to hold paper in place while drawing
  • Drawing Pencil: high-quality pencils with varying sizes of lead
  • Electric Eraser: used to erase quickly
  • Drafting Brush: used to erase crumbs and debris from the drafting table
  • Ellipse Template: template used to draw ellipses
  • Scale: used to transfer distances
  • Eraser Shield: protects lines you don't want to erase
  • Engineer Scale: identified based on whole numbers, used for drawing maps, charts, and any drawing that requires decimals