W3: Aspects of Culture

Cards (12)

  • Omnipotence - the quality of having unlimited or very great power
  • Omniscience - the state of knowing everything
  • Omnipresence - the state of being widespread or constantly encountered
  • Social Awareness - the ability to take the perspective of and empathize with other, including those from diverse backgrounds an cultures.
  • Social Awareness - ability to understand social and ethical norms for behavior.
  • 3 Sociological Theories:
    Structural Functionalism
    Conflict Theory
    Symbolic Interactionism
  • Structural Functionalism - a macro theory that looks at how all structures or institutions in society work together.
  • Functional - elements of society are functional if they contribute to social stability
    Dysfunctional - if they disrupt social stability
  • Manifest function - intended social functions of a social institution
    Latent function - unintended social functions that are good and useful, however not the reason the institution exists.
  • Conflict theory - focuses on forces in society that promote competition and change
  • Symbolic Interactionism - focuses on how individuals interact and influence the behavior of one another
  • Rules - essential in the everyday conduct of the members of the society
    It can be
    Written: easily seen and hence are easily observed and obeyed
    Unwritten: not written but we follow on a day to day basis