Professional Growth and Development

Cards (33)

  • ProfessionalGrowth means gaining new skills and work experience or the development or better use of talents and skills that leads to improved outcomes.
  • Professional-development means continuing education and career training after entering workforce to help them develop new skills.
  • Recommended Activities for Professional Development are; Management and leadership training, Professional Certification, Technical Skills Training, Communication and Interpersonal skills training
  • Continuing professional development refers to the inculcation of advanced knowledge, skills and ethical values.
  • CPD is a mandatory requirement in the renewal of professional license and accreditation system for the practice of profession.
  • Pathways refer to mechanisms or access ramps which provide access to qualification and assist people to move easily and readily between the different education and training sectors.
  • Career Pathway is a series of structured and comnected education programs and support.
  • The Philippine Qualification Framework describes the levels of educational qualification and sets the standard for qualification outcomes.
  • Career progression is the process of developing or moving towards a more advanced state in a persons qualification job, title, position or profession.
  • Aspects of Personality are Physical Aspect, Social, Intellectual, Emotional, Moral Ascpect
  • Good Grooming refers to personal cleanliness, appropriate clothing makes a person look clean, neat, and smart.
  • Physical Aspect includes the mode of dressing, manner of walking, posture, body built, health, complexion and facial expression.
  • Emotional Aspect includes the person's likes and dislikes, whether she is outgoing or shy.
  • Social Aspect includes good manner, norms of conduct and ethics included in the aspects of personality.
  • Intellectual Aspect includes how a person talks and what she talks about is what matters in the intellectual aspect of personality.
  • Moral Aspect includes a persons attitude, values, beliefs, and philosophy of life.
  • Personality refers to the total person; the expression of what you are and what you do.
  • Personality is shown through a person by; total behavior and responses of other people to that behavior.
  • Just like habits, personality can be acquired and can be developed and this depends more upon the individual than upon anyone else.
  • According to Sy, a woman who has strong personality is physically, mentally, and morally well..
  • Person with pleasing personality can easily work with people in the community.
  • Personal cleanliness which includes care of the skin, hands and hair, skillful application of makeup, and attention to your clothes are essentials of good grooming.
  • Uniform is one way of identifying yourself.
  • It is important to a midwife to maintain health to cope up with her everyday activities.
  • Factors in the midwife's attainment a simple but balanced diet, exercise, proper elimination/ enough sleep, lots of fresh air, cleanliness.
  • Personal Hygiene may be described as principle of maintaining cleanliness and grooming of external body.
  • Voice is the sound produced by the vocal organs of a person or animal.
  • Carriage a person's deportment and bearing are personal assets that cannot be taken for granted.
  • Poise is the dignity in bearing or in carriage or in carriage.
  • According to Funk and Wagnalls, Conduct is one's course of action or behavior, or the way an individual act.
  • Manners refer to polite, civil, well- bred behavior.
  • Social Media Etiquette are: don't be overly promotional, avoid over-automation, handle your hashtags carefully, dont bad mouth your competition, be authentic and genuine.
  • The type of interviews are; Competency Based Interviews and Traditional Interviews