Section 9 (1) (a) defines the actus reus (AR) as entering a building or part of a building with the mens rea (MR) of intent to steal, inflict grievous bodily harm (GBH), or do unlawful damage
Section 9 (1) (b) states the AR as the defendant having entered a building and stealing, or attempting to steal, anything, or inflicting, or attempting to inflict, GBH
Regarding being a trespasser, if the defendant has permission, they are not considered a trespasser; however, if they go beyond that permission, they become a trespasser
Additionally, the defendant must have the intention at the point of entry to commit theft, GBH, or damage for Section 9 (1) (a), or have the MR for theft or GBH at the point of committing or attempting to commit these offenses in a building for Section 9(1) (b)