consumers are living organisms that feed on other living organisms.
Producers are autotrophic organisms (plants) that synthesis complex organic molecules from simple inorganic molecules using light energy or chemical energy.
Saprobionts (fungi & bacteria) are organisms that feed on dead organic matter, releasing molecules, minerals and energy that can then become available to other organisms in that eosystem.
Biomass is the dry mass of an organism
Primary porductivity is the rate at which energy is stored in producers.
Rate of primary productivity can depend on:
sunlight availability
concentration of mineral ions available
ability to use energy to synthesise organic products
amount of photosynthetic pigment in cells
Why doesnt all solar energy reach producers?
it can be absorbed by rocks
It doesnt reach producers due to positioning (shade)
Why doesnt all solar energy falling on the leaves convert to organic matter?
passes through leaf
misses chloroplast
wrong wavelength of light
NPP (net primary productivity/ amount of energy into growth)
GPP (gross primary productivity/ amount of energy fixeby photosynth)
R (energy lost in respiration)
N = I - (F + R)
N = food energy - (poop energy + respiration energy)
Methods of reducing respiratory losses include:
keep livestock inside & maintain temperature so more energy goes towards growth.
restrict movement & good food supply so less energy goes towards finding food.
treat with antibiotics so less energy is lost to fighting pathogens.
Eficiency of energy transfer = (energy available before/ energy available after) x 100