Plan your work, work your plan - Margaret Thatcher
“Whats in it for me” an uncommon reply of people who are asked to toil for something
True worth - will be achieved when a man produces his best work
Quality is always the result of intelligent effort - John Ruskin
Quality begins on the inside then works its way out - BobMoawad
Quality rather than quantity - Seneca
Quantity is not determined by just winning a game but also by how well that game was played
A man offenes the world when his life did not reach the quality that it should have - Leonardo da Vinci
Working with quality in mind creates a high-standardproduct that promises a better life for the person
Robert Schalock - identified the three broad domains that serve as indicators of an individuals quality of life
three broad domains that serve as indicators of an individuals qualiry of life
• independence
• social participation
• well-being
independence domain - includes self determination that allows the perosn to set his choices and gives him a sense of autonomy to control what rightfully belongs to him
social participation domain - is about a person enjoying a niche in community life which recognizes his role and supports him in his undertakings
well being domain - secures the emotional and interpersonal health, material well-being, and personal development of an individual
arete - greek term that is equivalent to moral excellence
arete - is a distinct quality whcih empowers a human person to perform laudable deeds, or actions that are extraordinary, outstanding, or excellent.
arete - a term that denotes moral courage and moral heroism
arete for Artistotle - is exemplified by a person who fulfills his life’s purpose or his telos
ISO - derived from greek work isos meaning equal
excellent life - involves the use of intelligence that will guide a person to live morally
moral excellence - is the courageous decision to always do what is right regardless of circumstance
arete - refers to the quest for moral excellence. It is the act of living up to one’s full potential
development - not an exclusive privilege. It is a right that everyone must enjoy
I am the greatest! I’m the greatest thing that ever lived - Muhammad Ali
Muhammad Ali - former American professional boxer, and considered among the greatest heavyweight boxers in the sports history
work ethic - a philosophy that directs a person to give his best to meet ever-increasing levels of quality