Male Genital System Ia

Cards (30)

  • An abnormal dorsal opening of the urethra is a epispadias
  • An abnormal ventral opening of the urethra is hypospadias.
  • Verrucous Carcinoma has no metastatic potential - low grade variant of SCC & locally invasive
  • Small spermatic tubules are associated with testicular atrophy (reflect decreased size & function of testes)
  • Pseudomonas & E.coli cause acute epididymitis in older men
  • The characteristic microscopic finding in tuberculous epididymo - orchitis is granulomatous inflammation with caseous necrosis
  • Mumps Orchitis is characterised by oedematous & congested testes
  • Embryonal Carcinomas typically occurs between 20 - 30
  • Seminomas are associated with the presence of syncytiotrophoblastic giant cells in 15% of cases
  • AFP is elevated in patients with yolk sac tumours
  • Choriocarcinomas have 100 % elevation of hCG in patients
  • Yolk Sac Tumours are characterised by the presence of Schiller - Durall bodies
  • Seminomas have a peak incidence between 40 - 50
  • Candida Albicans, anaerobic and pyogenic bacteria are commonly associated with balantis & balanoposthitis
  • Scarring of the prepuce can develop from balanoposthitis leading to phimosis
  • Verrucous carcinoma has papillary architecture & no atypia
  • Verrucous carcinoma has a characteristic feature of bulbous mucin borders
  • The main causes of hydrocele is neighbouring infections & tumours
  • Teratomas are usually benign pre-puberty & malignant post - puberty
  • The characteristic feature of Bowen Disease is large pale keratinocytes with abundant ground cytoplasm called pagetoid cells
  • The characteristic finding of Leydig cell tumours is reinke crystals
  • Seminomas are grey - white lesions with a lobular pattern
  • Seminomas have a presence of syncytiotrophoblastic giant cells in 15% of cases; Immunohistochemistry: β-hCG [+]
  • The pathogenesis of testicular neoplasms are Intratubular Germ Cell Neoplasia (IGCN) = in situ lesion of Germ Cell Tumours
  • Spermatocytic seminomas have no association with IGCN & metastatic potential
  • Yolk Salk Tumours are the most common primary testicular neoplasm in children
  • Yolk Sac Tumours have identification of PAS positive eosinophilic hyaline globules; Immunopositivity for α1 - antitrypsin and AFP
  • Choriocarcinomas
    Microscopic Findings:
    • Sheets of small cuboidal cells, admixed with cytotrophoblastn and syncytiotrophoblast-like cells
    • Immunohistochemistry: HCG (+) in syncytiotrophoblast-like cells
  • Clinical Features:
    Painless testicular mass
    • Seminomas:
    • Often, remain confined to the testis
    • Metastases in the iliac and para-aortic lymph nodes
    • Non-seminomatous tumours:
    • Early metastases, by lymphatic and haematogenous routes
    •Haematogenous metastases = Liver and lung
  • Prognosis of Testicular Neoplasms:
    • Seminoma: >95% of patients with early stage disease = Curable
    • Non - seminomatous tumours: ~90% of patients = Complete remission and cure, with aggressive chemotherapy
    • Pure Choriocarcinoma = Dismal prognosis