topic 3

Cards (3)

  • Stages of Human Evolution - Hominid (Manlike Primates) - Homo Habilis (Handy Man) - Homo Erectus (Upright Man) - Homo Sapien (Wise Man)
  • Hominid (Manlike Primates) a. Ramapithecus - Lived 14 million years, remains found in Siwalik Hills of India -Stand upright and used stones to frighten enemies b. Lucy - Whole skeleton of a teenage girl c. Australopithecus - Believed to live in Africa, 5 mil. years ago - Small brain, could walk straight and use tools
  • Homo Habilis (Handy Man) - used weapons and protections from their enemies a.Zinjanthropus - Used crude stone weapons for protections against predators - Could walkupright with small brain b. Lake Turkana (1470 man) - 5 ft tall, has a brain double sized of a chimpanzee’s brain - Use more refined tools