Localisation of function - specific areas of the brain are specialised for certain functions.
Brain Areas:
> AuditoryCortex
> Broca'sArea
> MotorCortex
> SomatosensoryCortex
> VisualCortex
> Wernicke'sArea
Auditory Cortex:
> both hemispheres
> analyses speechbasedinformation e.g. hearing pitch and volume
> damage = partial through to full hearing loss
Broca's Area:
> left hemisphere
> involved in production of spoken and written language
> damage = Broca's aphasia - slow speech that lacks fluency or absence of speech
Motor Cortex:
> both hemispheres
> involved in the creation of voluntary motormovements - contralateralwiring
> damage = loss of control over finemovements
Somatosensory Cortex:
> both hemispheres
> processes information from the senses in the skin, such as touch, pressure, pain and temperature
> damage = problems perceivingtouch, failure to recogniseobjects by touch
Visual Cortex:
> both hemispheres
> receives informationdirectly from eyes - right visual field to lefthemisphere, leftvisualfield to righthemisphere - and processes information such as colour and shape
> damage = blindness, hallucinations or inability to see colour and motion
Wernicke's Area:
> left hemisphere
> involved in the understanding of language
> damage = Wernicke'saphasia - cannot understandspoken language or produces nonsense words (fluent but meaningless speech)