Localisation of Function in the Brain

Cards (9)

  • Localisation of function - specific areas of the brain are specialised for certain functions.
  • Brain Areas:
    > Auditory Cortex
    > Broca's Area
    > Motor Cortex
    > Somatosensory Cortex
    > Visual Cortex
    > Wernicke's Area
  • Auditory Cortex:
    > both hemispheres
    > analyses speech based information e.g. hearing pitch and volume
    > damage = partial through to full hearing loss
  • Broca's Area:
    > left hemisphere
    > involved in production of spoken and written language
    > damage = Broca's aphasia - slow speech that lacks fluency or absence of speech
  • Motor Cortex:
    > both hemispheres
    > involved in the creation of voluntary motor movements - contralateral wiring
    > damage = loss of control over fine movements
  • Somatosensory Cortex:
    > both hemispheres
    > processes information from the senses in the skin, such as touch, pressure, pain and temperature
    > damage = problems perceiving touch, failure to recognise objects by touch
  • Visual Cortex:
    > both hemispheres
    > receives information directly from eyes - right visual field to left hemisphere, left visual field to right hemisphere - and processes information such as colour and shape
    > damage = blindness, hallucinations or inability to see colour and motion
  • Wernicke's Area:
    > left hemisphere
    > involved in the understanding of language
    > damage = Wernicke's aphasia - cannot understand spoken language or produces nonsense words (fluent but meaningless speech)
  • Localisation of Function AO3:
    :) RTS - Broca (tan man)
    :( RTC - patient EB
    :( Case studies = low population validity
    :( RTC - Lashley (rats)