food intolerances and food allergy

Cards (7)

  • what is an allergy
    an inappropriately large immune response to a harmless substance
  • properties of allergy
    • allergies can be fatal b/c they lead to breathing failure
    • allergies often go unnoticed because the sufferer is so accustomed to them that they see them as normal
    • gluten (the protein in wheat) is a common allergy
    • Some allergies change over time, they can get worse as a person grows older or a person can outgrow them
    • allergies are treated with anti-histamines that cause the immune system to stop over-reacting
  • what is a food intolerance
    a body normal processes are not adapted to cope well with the substance
    (has nothing to do with the immune system)
  • symptoms of food intolerances
    abdominal cramps
    excess wind
  • what foods are humans most intolerant to
    lactose in milk
    gluten in wheat
  • things involved in growing crops
    pesticides - keep pests away
    fertilisers - to provide plant nutrients
    hormones - to speed up growth
  • additives thought to be allergenic/carcinogenic
    colourants, stabilisers, sweeteners, flavour enhances "E" numbers