digestive system

Cards (5)

  • steps in nutrition
    1. ingestion - the taking in of food
    2. digestion - mechanical and chemical breaking down of food
    3. absorption - nutrients absorbed or taken into the bloodstream from various parts of the alimentary canal
    4. assimilation - absorbed nutrients travel via the bloodstream, enter the bodys cell and become part of cellular metablosim
    5. egestion - unabsorded remains in the gut, plus dead skin cells and bacteria, are compacted and dehydrated to form faeces which is then eliminated from the body
  • what is the alimentary canal
    is a tube that food passes though
  • what are accessory organs
    organs that release secretions into the alimentary canal but food does not pass though them
  • alimentary canal and accessory organs diagram
  • why do we eat
    • to provide energy
    • to provide materials for growth
    • regulation of processes in the body