Cards (184)

  • Self
    a person's essential being which distinguishes you from others
  • Components of the self
    Separate, self-contained, unitary, private, independent, consistent
  • Self-contained
    It has its own unique thoughts, characteristics, and volition. Even when society dictates what should be done, a person has its own way of expressing their true self.
  • Separate
    The self is distinct from other selves, as no two persons are exactly alike–
    biologically, psychologically and socially –not even identical twins.
  • independent
    In itself, it can exist
  • private
    Each person sorts out information, feelings, emotions, and thought processes within self. It has
  • consistent
    It has personality that is enduringand is expected to persist for some time.
    Their personality has patterns but is not necessarily predictable in response to a stimuli.
  • unitary
    It is the center of all experiences and thoughts that run through a person.
  • The Self in Greek Philosophy
    Socrates and Plato
  • Socrates
    “an unexamined life is not worth living”
  • Socrates
    thought that the worst that can happen to anyone: to live but die inside.
  • socrates
  • dualism
    body and soul
  • Body
    material component
    impermanent aspect
  • Soul
    immaterial/ immortal component
    perfect and permanent aspect
  • plato
    rational soul, spirited soul, and appetitive soul
  • rational soul
    soul forged by reason and intellect
  • spirited soul
    in charge with emotions
  • appetitive soul
    in charge with base desires like eating, drinking, sleeping and having sex are controlled as well
  • The self in medieval philosophy
    St. Augustine and St. Thomas Aquinas
  • St. Augustine
    The self is composed of the body, soul, and
  • Body
    the outer part of the self through which the self can come in contact with the world.
  • soul
    the inner part of the self which is composed of the
    mind, the emotions and the will.
  • Spirit
    the self can communicate
    with God
  • St. Thomas Aquinas
    Man is composed of two parts: matter & form.
  • Matter or hyle
    refers to the “common stuff that makes up everything in the universe”. Man’s body is part of this matter.
  • Form or morphe
    refers to the “essence of a substance or thing.”
  • Rene Descartes
    “Cogito ergo sum―”I think therefore I am”
  • Rene Descartes
    The essence of a human being lies in his capacity to think
    as thinking cannot be doubted
  • John Locke
    The human mind at birth is tabula rasa or blank slate.
  • tabula rasa
    blank state
  • john locke
    The self or personal identity is constructed primarily from sense experience― specifically, what people see, hear, smell, taste, and feel.
  • David Hume
    There is no such thing as “self!”
  • David Hume

    It is simply a bundle or collection of different perceptions, which succeed each other with an inconceivable rapidity, & are in a perpetual flux & movement.
  • David Hume
    The contents of the mind are divided into two
  • Impressions and ideas (contents if the mind)
  • Impressions
    which are the things which the senses perceive and thus experiencein the world
  • ideas

    which refer to the things
    that are created in the mind about the things experiencedthrough
    the senses.
  • Emmanuel Kant
    According to him,we all have an inner and an outer self which together form our consciousness.
  • Inner Self
    comprised of our psychological state and our rational intellect.